Sunday, September 4, 2016

Life on Delma Island...a new thing!

Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye now know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert. (Isaiah 43:19)

In my previous post, I’ve shared that I live in a VERY REMOTE part of the western region of Abu Dhabi. What I didn’t share is that…not only is this place VERY REMOTE, but it is actually on an island out in the Persian Gulf (referred to by Arabs as the Arabian Gulf). Yes, not only did God send me to live and teach in the desert, but He sent me to the desert on an island…DELMA ISLAND! It is considered the REMOTE REMOTE part of Abu Dhabi. You actually have to catch a ferry to get here, which takes about an hour and a half from the port. After taking the ferry, it’s still a 2 ½ to 3 hour drive to get back to the city of Abu Dhabi by car or bus. I still am not sure of God's purpose for bringing me here, but i believe He must have a really GREAT PURPOSE! 

Below are some pictures I took at the port while waiting to return to the island after my recent visit to Abu Dhabi the city.

The ferry!

The town on Delma Island is very rural and nothing fancy. Most of the businesses are locally owned, and don’t offer much. Most of the islanders travel by ferry to a nearby city  to go shopping and to get things that are not available on the island. Although there are a few places you can buy food, there are no regular fast food restaurants on the island. The closest to fast food you can get here is Crispy Bites, a knock-off of Kentucky Fried Chicken, that is located at the gas station. The best thing about it is they deliver! And yes, they know my name already! LOL! The hospital is even considered one of the best places to get a hot cooked meal. Imagine that! Living here truly makes you appreciate the little things that we sometimes take for granted. But like Paul, I am learning to be content with my current circumstances. My hope and faith is in knowing that God has a greater purpose for sending me here! The past few weeks have definitely been a challenge adjusting to the different culture, people, way of life, and even the school children. As expected, things are quite different than in they are back in the U. S. However, the experience is really an eye opener!

At this time, I do not have a car. Actually, there really is no need for me to get a car. They do have public buses that can get me to where I need to go, which isn’t far from where I live.  Some people rent/lease a car. That may be something I might do in the future, but I’m good with using their public transportation for now. I travel to school on the public bus, and a school bus drops some of the teachers off after school. Most of the teachers at my school live in the teaching housing that is provided by the Abu Dhabi Education Council.

Below is a picture of the two teacher buildings.

My flat/apartment is in the one on the left.

Some of the local teachers live in villas, but most are housed here.  There’s nothing fancy about my housing. Right now I only have a bedroom set, and appliances. It will take time to get settled in and make it more “homely”, but I’m in no rush. I’m just thankful to be in my own place (unlike some of the other new teachers who are still living out of a hotel).

Here are just a few pics of my daily view…to and from school. 
Sand and the sunrise!

Villas/homes that all look the same! Some a little newer than others.

Mountains of sand!

More villas/homes!
My school (before the kids and buses arrive)!

This is a back view of the Delma Island Mall…….at least that’s what they consider it to be. 

It can be seen from the parking lot of the teacher buildings. It’s actually a run down building with a few small shops inside and around the outside that aren’t very appealing to the eyes. It does include the only grocery store on the island that doesn’t stock much on the shelves. So, as you can see, there’s not much for me to take pictures of around here. It’s a very different view than the city life of Abu Dhabi. A get away to Abu Dhabi on the weekends is something to look forward to! However, I still see the hand of God in my placement on this island! 

With all the challenges that I face each day, I still have my faith to keep me grounded! I know God is with me and I know that He will never forsake me! I don’t have much in my new home right now, but on my night stand are a few things given to me by some special people (you know who you are)! Each of these items are small reminders of home and that God is with me! I just have to keep "walking by faith"! In the center is a glass globe with my mother’s ashes. Yes, she is here with me in on Delma Island too! Some days I wish I could just call home and hear her voice!

God is definitely doing a "new thing" in my life! I look forward to all that will "spring forth" as I continue this journey! Thanks for your continued prayers and support!

I am His,
Faith Walker


  1. It is a purpose. Continue to pray as God continue to lead you.

    1. Yes it is, Ricky! I will! And thanks for your prayers as well! God bless!

  2. It is a purpose. Continue to pray as God continue to lead you.

  3. Hey keep ya head up Pearl girl not a day goes by I don't think of you. You are truly a solider in God's Army.. come back. I love you and miss you - your favorite niece

    1. Awwww....tears!!! Thanks for the encouragement, Ressie (my favorite niece)! Lol! So good to hear from you! I love and miss yall!!!

  4. When I first moved to the UAE, I lived on Delma Island as well. I live in the building on the left on the third floor. If you have the apartment with gray walls, that's mine. Tell Mrs. Fatima hello, and Wafaa.
