Saturday, September 17, 2016

Living abundantly....on purpose!

While I know that I have been sent to live in this place for a greater purpose not yet revealed to me, I also know that God desires for me to live an abundant life! I am thankful for every opportunity He gives me to enjoy His creation!

I shared in my previous post that we had our first school holiday this past week. So I took advantage of spending some time off Delma Island and enjoying my holiday break! The school year has gotten off to a good start, despite the challenges I've encountered. However, I look forward to going to school everyday and knowing that God will fulfill the purpose for which He sent me! I've shared that I have 32 3rd grade boys who are quite a handful. Even with the language barrier and behavior challenges, we are already making some progress after the first two weeks of school. God has already equipped and prepared me for this, so I know all will work together for good!

 My friend Shina and I spent the week in Dubai and Abu Dhabi! God is so awesome how He provides for His children to enjoy the life that He has called them to. His word says that He came so that I may have life, and live it more abundantly...or to the full! So as I walk out this journey, I will also enjoy this life that He has given me! For this first holiday, I enjoyed spending time on the beach and going on a desert safari in Dubai, and also spending time in the city of Abu Dhabi! Here are a few pics!

Leaving the island  for the holiday break!

Enjoying the beach in Dubai!
My Abu Dhabi sister-friends!

Breakfast with friends!

It's an Arab thing!

Teachers in turbans! 
Just sitting on a the desert!

Sand dune bashing in a land cruiser!

Then God created the sun...

Meeting new people in the desert!

First camel ride!
First time posing with a falcon!
Say hello to my little friend!

Ready to do what I love to!

 First Arabian barbeque!

View of city from a mall in Abu Dhabi!

The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. John 10:10

The last day of our holiday get away we experienced our first church service in Abu Dhabi! As I shared in a previous post, there are no churches on Delma Island. They have mosques, but no churches (at least I haven't found one). So while in Abu Dhabi, we were excited about being able to fellowship with other believers....of many different nationalities!! One church, one Spirit, one faith, one God!!! We enjoyed the worship and the word! Here is a pic of us after the service! Feeling thankful and blessed!

The highlight of my first holiday get away happened while Shina and I were eating lunch in the mall on Thursday! I don't have a picture of this moment to share, but the memory will forever be in my heart! As we were eating our burgers and just talking about our current situation, God gave Shina a message to deliver to me! Although we've spent alot of time over this past month and have shared much, there's a lot I have not shared with her. The message she gave me was very specific concerning some things I have not shared! Only God could have revealed that message to her! With a face full of tears, I just sat there in awe of God once again! Even when I don't understand His purpose, I still trust His plans! I know they are both great!
I am His,
Faith Walker


  1. Your adjusting that's great. Can't wait until you get Internet maybe we could video chat. You are very special but you already knew that. I love you talk to you soon

    1. πŸ˜™πŸ˜πŸ˜™πŸ˜πŸ˜™πŸ˜Thanks for the love niece!!!! Hope to get imternet soon!! Look forward to video chatting with you! Love you!!Back atcha! ❤❤

  2. So excited for you!!!! I have a friend who lived there who's wife is also a teacher, he's currently in the states on vacation but I'll make the connection between you guys if you'd like once he's back in Dubai!

  3. So excited for you!!!! I have a friend who lived there who's wife is also a teacher, he's currently in the states on vacation but I'll make the connection between you guys if you'd like once he's back in Dubai!
