Monday, September 12, 2016

A Sunday of Firsts

Written on Sunday, September 11, 2016

I arrived in Abu Dhabi almost one month ago on Sunday, August 14, 2016. Since my arrival, I have been working on Sundays (since the weekend here is Friday and Saturday).  Today was the first Sunday that I didn’t have to go to work because we are off for the Eid holiday. This is a major Muslim religious holiday when they celebrate the prophet Ibrahim (Abraham to christians) who offered up his son as a sacrifice. Muslims recognize Allah as their god. So we are out for our first school holiday. The schools are out according to the moon. I’m not sure how they determine it, but this year we have the whole week off (Sunday through Thursday).  Including the weekend before and after, we have a total of nine days off! I was told by a fellow American who has been here six years that this is the first time in her six years here that they’ve been off for the whole week. Usually they only get two or three days off. Of course I take it personal that God gave them a week this time just because He knew I (and my friend Shina) needed it! So I am giving thanks to my God for allowing us to have a week off to relax and recuperate from the first two weeks of school! While I am learning to be content in my current location, I am looking forward to spending a few days off the island. I’m sure I will have pics of more than just sand and villas to post next time!

Here's a picture from the Eid program at school where the students were acting out the Hajj which is what takes during this holiday. They marched around chanting a prayer to Allah. Some of my boys participated as pilgrims making the journey to Mecca for the celebration. The ladies in the black dress called "abayas" are teachers. This is their everyday attire. Some fully cover their faces and some partially. Some only cover their heads. 

One of the things I miss about my Sunday mornings at home is going to worship with my Northshore Worship Center family! I miss seeing my sisters and brothers in Christ and receiving warm hugs of love from them! I can’t wait to get my internet set up at home so I can at least listen to my pastor’s sermons on youtube. I was told that there are no churches on Delma Island (and I haven’t seen any), but that some people have church in their homes (I haven’t found anyone who does). So I haven’t been to a church since I’ve been here. But thank God I know I don’t have to “go to church” to “have church”! Anytime I spend time with God, I have church! And that’s just what I did in my living room this Sunday morning! No praise team, no pulpit, no pastor….just me, myself, and I making a joyful noise to the Lord! Although I spend time with God daily, I guess you can say today was my first Sunday church service on Delma Island! While I’m off the island for the holiday break, I do plan to find a church to attend for the first time while in Abu Dhabi!

After having church (in my living room), I decided to do something else for the first time! I decided to cook me some breakfast for the first time on my new stove! I took the picture below to capture the moment!

I fried an egg! LOL!!

Also, my friend Shina and I had planned to have our first Sunday dinner at her place. For those of you who know me, you know that I’m not trying to be cooking too much. So the plan was for Shina to cook and I would come eat and wash the dishes! But I did contribute to the dinner. So I used my oven for the first time on today also to bake garlic knots (I mean I warmed them up) and a cake (with a little help from good ‘ole Betty Crocker)! LOL! Yep, Betty is over here too! 

Here’s a picture of me and my dishes! I must say they both turned out pretty good. However, the cake did get a little dark brown on the bottom. I think it was something wrong with the oven temperature or something! Hehehe!!!

Yes, I'm representing for the Steelers on this Sunday!
Shout out to all my real Steelers fans!
No hating!

Here’s a picture of today’s dinner by Shina: fried cabbage, beef steak, potatoes, and garlic knots (by yours truly). My new friend can cook too! Not only did God provide me with my own personal stylist, but she’s now my personal chef! Oh how He loves me!!!!!  

Just wanted to share with you my Sunday of firsts! That's all!


  1. This is so awesome to see, Ms. Gordon! I am glad that you seem to be happily adjusting to your "new normal" and I pray that you continue to be blessed during this great experience. That dinner looks awesome by the way! Cabbage is one of my faves lol - Jasmine Parish

    1. Heyyyy Jasmine! Good to hear from you!Thanks for your prayers! It is quite an experience, and a blessing! Please email me at shirrelleishis@yahoo so I can add you to my blog updates contact list! Blessings!! 😍

  2. You gonna be cooking full meals before you know it I'll have to send you some easy recipes lol love you.

    1. Lol!!! You mean that's not a full meal??? 😂😂😂Yeah send me some EASY recipes! Lmbp

  3. You gonna be cooking full meals before you know it I'll have to send you some easy recipes lol love you.

  4. Girl, I can't help but just have a big ole' smile while reading your post. I am so completely happy for you. I am truly amazed by your faith and grateful that I get to call you friend. Keep the post coming and take care. Love you to the moon and back!!! Karen

    1. Hey Karen! Thanks for the love and support my sister!! I love you and miss serving with you at RCC!! To God be the glory for the great things He is doing in our lives!! I'm overwhelmed by His love and awesome plans for me!! Keep in touch!!😙
