Friday, September 30, 2016

It's official...Seasons change!

"To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven..." Ecclesiastes 3:1
It's OFFICIAL! I am an official resident of the UAE! What does that mean? I received my passport back with my residence visa and my United Arab Emirates i.d.! Now I can do things like get cable/internet turned on (finally), get a phone plan, get a P.O. Box, travel out of the country (UAE) and come back with no problems, etc! It's like being a temporary citizen of this country. Your i.d. number is sort of like a social security number in the U.S.  It's required to almost everything! However, this i.d. is only valid for three years, which happens to be when my passport expires also (Side note: I got my passport back in 2009 for my first mission trip to Cambodia. Only God knew I would still need it now for my assignment/mission/season in Abu Dhabi!) I still don't know the length of my season or time here, but I will keep living and walking by faith in the UAE!

My UAE i.d.

So far, my assignment here on Dalma Island is going well. I'm adjusting to the simple, quiet life, and my 3rd grade boys! This is just the third week of school, but I already see a little progress with their behavior. We still have a long way to go, but I am confident we will get there. This is truly an interesting and challenging assignment. Although my primary assignment is to teach, I know God is up to something greater! As I move around on the island and the surrounding areas "my eyes are watching God"!
Another view from the ferry!
 I don't know exactly what Halle Berry was watching for in the movie (Their Eyes Were Watching God), but I am watching His hands orchestrate my path and my journey! I don't want to miss what He's doing in my life! God constantly reminds me to believe, have faith, and seek Him daily! Whatever He has for me may or may not be in Abu Dhabi, but I must continue to diligently seek Him to find it! Here's a few of His reminders to me from this week!
His words to me!

 (Fyi...The locals here spell it both ways Delma and Dalma.)
So I was cooking my first full course meal and this happened...
Almost burned up the kitchen!

My stove chord began to melt and burn inside the outlet!  Then it just went the middle of cooking my first gourmet dinner! I guess my stove was trying to tell me I don't need to be doing a lot of cooking!! I agree!!! Lol! Not that I plan to anyway!Thanks to my friend, Shina, I was able to finish cooking my meal at her place. Here's the results!!
My meal: Gourmet spaghetti with sultry sausage and ravishing red meat sauce (Ragu), fresh green beans (canned), grilled cajun chicken (via microwave), and fresh baked dinner rolls (precooked by the store bakery)!! Not pictured...a leftover cake that I froze from my first baking experiment! All cooked...or should I say prepared by me!!! 😉
No worries...maintenance came and replaced the range plug...since they were the ones who installed it. It appears something on the plug was either defected or installed incorrectly. So it wasn't my cooking! But I still don't plan to cook too often! By the meal turned out pretty good...if I do say so myself! And I do! Lol

As you know, September 22 was the OFFICIAL first day of fall in the U.S. While I don't think they recognize the seasons here (at least not the four seasons) it does seem to be a change in the air. I don't know if I'm trying to convince myself that fall is in the air over here or if it really is. The mornings and days don't seem as hot. It's still in the high 90s though, so fall here will still be like spring/early summer days back home! We've been told cooler days are coming, but it is the desert, so...I'll wait!

Until next time...thanks for your prayers! Keep them coming!
 I am His,
Faith Walker


  1. I'm so happy for you!!! Please be careful in that kitchen lol I'm praying for you!! Those boys need you! I love you!

    1. Lol!!! I don't plan on spending too much time in the kitchen! Thanks for the love and the prayers!!! I love you too!!!
