Saturday, August 20, 2016

Desert Life

Today makes one week since I departed New Orleans for Abu Dhabi! Today is also the first day of my stay in the third hotel since my arrival. I am now in the community of where I will be living and teaching. For those of you who googled to find pictures of where I would living in Abu Dhabi, you can delete those images from your phone and your mind! :-)

My view from my first hotel in Abu Dhabi. The city life!

That is not where I will be living. As I stated in my first blog, I am located in the western region of Abu Dhabi, which is far removed from the city life! I am literally living the "desert life". The picture below is from my first trip from the western region back to the city. As you can see in the picture, there is lots of sand and very little greenery. This is a just an example of my current surroundings.

A view from my current location.

If you noticed the sign on the window (of the bus) it reads "Ladies Only". This sign was on the first two rows of the bus to let passengers know that only ladies are to sit at the front of the buses. As I got on the bus, I didn't notice the sign, and was headed further to the back to sit, until a male passenger directed me to the front seats. Just another adjustment to this life!

Today I also received my keys to my new home away from home! I'm looking forward to moving in by the end of this week. The area I live is very quiet and rural, so there's not much going on. However, it's where I believe I am supposed to be and for that reason I am content.

In my previous blog, I mentioned that I see God's hand in my placement. I truly believe that my placement is a divine appointment. As I sat in the teacher orientation on last Monday, I saw faces of people from the U.S., the U.K., Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa, and Canada! All of them here for the reason of teaching Arab children. As I sat there, I wondered how many of them believed they were here on purpose like myself! Of the hundreds of teachers that were sent to teach in Abu Dhabi this term, only two of us have been sent to this VERY REMOTE area (more details to come later). Actually, there were three of us, but one lady was resistant to her appointment to this area and initially decided not to come. The two of us who did come, realize that God has a greater purpose for sending us here. I am reminded of the scripture Matthew 22:14 that says "For many are called, but few are chosen." I know I have been "chosen" by God to be in this place!

Below is a picture of the two of us (from group two) who were sent to this region together. We live in the same complex, and will be teaching at the same school. We both share some similarities in our life stories. Also, she is a real CERTIFIED hairstylist! Yes, God gave me my own personal hairstylist even in this remote area of Abu Dhabi to help me maintain my new cut and style! Isn't that amazing!!!! Oh, how He loves me!
My new sister/friend and hairstylist, Shina
Tomorrow is the first day back to school for the teachers. Yes, tomorrow is Sunday! The work week here is Sunday through Thursday, and the weekend is Friday and Saturday! This is my first time in my 23 years as a teacher ever having to go to school on a Sunday, but I'm looking forward to getting started with my reason for being here...teaching! Although I'm still not sure of God's purpose for sending me to this part of Abu Dhabi, I know that my assignment/mission here is a great one! I'm excited about what's to come and to see God's hands continue to orchestrate my path! Thanks for your continued love, support, and prayers! I will continue to walk by faith!

I am His,
Faith Walker


  1. I'm excited to hear from you and to hear what God is doing in your life at this time and season. Keep in touch. Be Blessed.

    1. Thanks for sharing my excitement! God is so amazing!
      I'm not sure who you are since it shows "unknown", but thanks anyway! God bless!

  2. Glad you met someone. A sister for life...Ricky

    1. Yes Ricky!!!! God gave me us each other to have to experience this journey together! He is so awesome! Pray all is well with you and your family! Blessings!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. How exciting, Shirrelle!!! God's beauty is every where and when I see that picture I feel his presence in that desert. I can't wait to hear more about how He is using this experience.

    "Hold fast to God's unchanging hand, sis!"

    Love, Leslie

  5. Yes it is sis!!! I too see His presence all around me!
    Love you!!!

  6. I am going to love your blogs 😍😍

    1. Thanks for the love!! Whoever you are!😍 It shows you as "unknown".

  7. I am going to love your blogs 😍😍
