Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Still Walking by Faith

Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples. (John 13:35)

December 13, 2016
Exactly four months ago today (on August 13), I left (once again) my family, friends, and all that was familiar  to me in my hometown to come to the UAE. Unlike the last time when I moved away (to Phoenix, Arizona), I not only moved to another state, but this time to another country where there are many differences including a different culture of people, a different language, a different faith, and so much more. I really had no expectations because I didn't know what to expect. All I had was my faith in God, and faith that He had a purpose for sending me here.

 When I left the United States, I really did not know much about this place. I knew it was in the Middle East, and I knew it was an Islamic/Muslim country. But I hadn't really done much research or internet browsing to learn much. Mainly because God didn't allow me to. He didn't want me to develop a perception about where I was going based on what others said about it or what others had experienced here. He just wanted me to follow His lead and allow Him to show me His purpose and plans for me here. While I am still seeking God for His purpose as it relates to my destiny, He is revealing things to me more and more each day!

A glimpse...
We had another three day weekend because it was their "Prophet Muhammad's" birthday. For me this just meant an extra day for me to relax. So on Sunday, I decided to go spend some quiet time by the ocean. It was a beautiful and very windy day. Here's a pic I took.

Initially, I thought about the sea being so vast and wide; just like God's love for me! There are no boundaries to His love and nothing can separate me from it! As I sat watching the waves ripple in the sea, I then thought about how although the sea appeared to be endless, that there is something, or someplace, beyond the sea. And although I couldn't see it, it is out there somewhere. It reminded me of my faith journey. Sometimes I feel that this journey God has me on is endless. It seems that I've been on this journey for a very long time, and I have yet to see exactly where God is leading me. He just keeps telling me to trust Him and that He has a greater purpose for it all. However, I must admit, I have my moments when I want my greater NOW! But then God reminds me that all things will happen in His timing. And until then, I have to keep walking by faith, and not by sight. (2 Corinthians 5:7)

While I continue this walk, God also continues to give me glimpses of His love for me! It's an awesome feeling each time He shows me!

Meet my Mohamed!

No, he's not a prophet! He's one of my students (one of many Mohamed's in my class and in the whole school). I guess you can say it's one of the popular names here.

This picture was taken today on our way back from our field trip. He asked me to sit with him on the bus. This was a surprise to me because usually the students don't want to sit with the teacher. But it was even a bigger surprise that "he" asked. In an earlier email/post, I mentioned having some challenges with the students. I didn't go into any details, but the students' behaviors were VERY challenging at the beginning of the school year. And Mohamed was one of my BIGGEST challenges. He was very disruptive, disrespectful, and disobedient! He was always fighting with someone and being a distraction in the classroom. It was tiring having to deal with him everyday! That is until I allowed God to show me how to deal with him. And that's when things began to change. My attitude toward him began to change and his attitude toward me began to change. He is not the same disruptive, disrespectful, and disobedient boy he used to be! This picture really is worth more than a thousand words!!!! While we were riding on the bus he looked at me and said, "Me love you like this"...and he made a big circle with his arms to show me how much he loved me! Tearsssss!!!!! I had to hold them back as I grabbed him and gave him a big hug and told him that I loved him too!!! Immediately I felt the love of God flood my heart! I knew He was giving me a glimpse of His love through Mohamed. I know my reason for being here is to teach, but God's purpose is greater than I can even imagine! And while I don't believe my destiny is here, I do believe that my destiny is getting closer!

Another glimpse....
At the end of the school day on today, I was stopped by one of my other student's mom who works in the school's office. She had me follow her to her office because she had something she wanted to give me. She reached under her desk and pulled out the package in the picture below.

Of course there was CHOCOLATE inside! He LOVES me!!!!

She said it was a thank you for teaching her son. He's one of my well behaved and very smart students. Again, my eyes filled with tears feeling overwhelmed by God's love. She asked why I was crying. I told her that she just made my heart happy. She then said, "They love you!" And at that moment, I realize my purpose here is being fulfilled. Sharing the love of Christ is what God requires of me in this place! And even though they don't confess Christ, they will know I am His by my love! (John 13:35)

Previously, I have said there were no churches on the island.... and there is no church buildings. But this week God reminded me that I am the church. So where ever I am, the church is there! To God be the glory!

I am His,
Faith Walker

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Giving Thanks in Abu Dhabi

Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good...Psalm 107:1
I recently read a quote that says, "There is always, always something to be thankful for." And although I already knew this, I am learning more and more how to be thankful for EVERYTHING!

This is not the first Thanksgiving I've spent away from my family in Louisiana, but it is the first Thanksgiving I've spent in Abu Dhabi! Since it's not a holiday over here, this is the first time since I became a teacher that I had to work on Thanksgiving Day! Although I missed spending the day with family and friends, my day wasn't completely spent without my family! At around 2:30 a.m. Friday morning my time (which was about 4:30 p.m. on Thanksgiving in Louisiana), my sister Skyped me from my aunt's house and I was able to speak to and see my family!!! It was so good seeing their faces all at once! I held back the tears as each one of their faces came across the screen and I shouted hello to them. That really made my day and night! I THANK GOD for my family and for the love and support I have from them! I even got in on the annual family photo!
My family and me! That's me on the phone (on Skype)! Cheezzzzz!!!

My family also sent me a care package a couple weeks ago with some of my favorite things to eat, along with some things to help me celebrate Thanksgiving here in Abu Dhabi. I appreciate their Love from Louisiana! I THANK GOD for them! I LOVE MY FAMILY!
Love from Louisiana!

Since we had to work on Thursday, Shina and I decided to celebrate Thanksgiving on Friday. We invited some other ladies we met when we first came to the western region to come spend "Thanksgiving on the Island with Shina and Shirrelle". All of the ladies, except one, are from the U.S. too, so they were also away from family and friends for this holiday. This was also their first trip over to Delma Island, so they were excited to come see what life was like on the island for Shina and I. Our weekend included giving thanks, Thanksgiving dinner, Karaoke/dancing, a trip to the beach, roasting marshmallows, a sleepover and movie night! Of course my responsibilities mostly included the planning of activities, and not cooking! LOL! However, I did "make" a few things to help out. Most of you who know me probably already know what that consisted of. The usual!

I made a cake (with Betty Crocker's help), my famous pasta salad, and a fruit tray! 


Not pictured is my cornbread and greenbean casserole. As you see, my items required very little cooking! Ain't nothing changed when it comes to me cooking! I still prefer not to. LOL! Shina cooked the turkey, and most of the side dishes. Some of the ladies also contributed some dishes. We had plenty of food and fun! I must say, Shina and I gave them an enjoyable weekend. As you know from my previous blogs, there is not a lot going on here on Delma Island. But from the feedback we received from these ladies, they really had a great time and are looking forward to coming back to visit us again! I guess you can say we were the "hostess with the mostess"!!! (as one of them stated on their facebook post). I didn't take many pictures. I guess I was too busy hosting that I forgot about taking all my pics as usual. But I did take a few and I got some from some of the ladies. I THANK GOD for giving me these ladies (especially my sister/friend, Shina) to be family away from family!

Shina and I, the twinning hostesses!

At the Beach

Me, kicking off the Karoake singing my favorite childhood song, 
Tonight is the Night by Betty Wright! LOL!
Don't judge me! LOL! My momma used to let me sing my heart out 
(along with that big pink 8 track tape she had) when I was young.
I guess she knew I didn't know what the words meant at the age of 7 or 8. 
Actually, I used to sing the wrong words anyway! Ha! 
Oh...and in the red cup is my favorite drink....Sprite!!! LOL
Getting our Cha-Cha on!

Having fun getting low! And yes, I'm still SAVED! LOL!

Elevator selfie before hitting the town! Or should I say hitting the island!

Marshmallows roasting on an open fire!

Grown folks sleepover! 
Girls just want to have fun!
Gifts from the hostesses! A little USA in the UAE!

Saying goodbye to our sisters before they board the ferry (in the background) going
back to the other side!

 Aside from my thanksgiving festivities, I also THANK GOD for showing me His love! On Wednesday (the day before Thanksgiving) God told me through my morning devotion, "As you go through this day, look for tiny treasures strategically placed along the way. I lovingly go before you and plant little pleasures to brighten your day. Look carefully for them....". As I went through my day, I hadn't almost forgotten about this message I read that morning. Then later that evening, I received a knock on my door. At first, I thought it was Shina. But after looking through my peep hole, I discovered it was one of my students, who live on the same floor. His mother is an Arab teacher at the school, so they live in teacher housing also. This was his first time ever knocking on my door. When I opened it, he handed me a warm plate with pieces of chocolate swirl cake on it that his mother sent to me! At first, I was overwhelmed that it was chocolate cake, my favorite! And later, I remembered the message God had given me in my morning devotion. This was one of the "little pleasures" He sent to brighten my day! WOW!!!!! As I remembered, my eyes filled with tears, and my heart was filled with His love! I'm overwhelmed when I think about how He loves me!!!! Oh, how He loves me! I THANK GOD for His love!!!!!

He sent me chocolate (from a Muslim)! He really loves me!!!!

I am His,
Faith Walker!

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Here I Am...Being still....

Be still, and know that I am God... Psalm 46:10

As I continue on my journey in Abu Dhabi, I am once again learning to "be still". Reflecting on the past few months (almost 3 months) that I've been here, I've been busy trying to get adjusted and settled in. While my transition has had some challenges, my faith has been  unwavering; knowing that God is still in control. With each passing day, my eyes and ears are wide open listening and watching for Him to speak and show me His purpose and destiny for me. Recently, during a trip to Abu Dhabi, while listening to a message from a former pastor, I was reminded of the word God gave me before I came here..."Suddenly!" This is my season of suddenly! So although it may not seem like much is happening in my life right now, I just have to be still, trust God, and wait for my suddenly!

While I wait, I will continue to enjoy my journey in Abu Dhabi and on Dalma Island! Each day is a new opportunity for me to experience God and this place in a new way! During my recent visit to the city, I had a few "first" experiences!

I experienced going to the DMV in the UAE (although they call it something else) for the first time. It was a much easier process than I expected it to be. It didn't take long at all. Just an eye exam, a little paper work, a picture, and I was done! In and out in less than one hour.

Now I have a UAE drivers license!

After catching a little "change of weather" cold (The weather went from 104 degrees to 94 degrees. LOL!), I had my first hospital visit here. I didn't get a pic at the hospital, but here'a a pic of me on the way to the hospital.

 I know I don't look sick in the picture, but I was. LOL! I actually had to take off of school that day, so that I could take the 4 hour trip to the city to go to see a doctor. The experience was a good one. I got lots of meds (some I don't think I needed, but oh well) and got to enjoy being in the city for the weekend. I also got to go visit the church that I went to before. It's always good to be in fellowship with other believers. As I said before, they don't have churches on the island where I live, so it's a a rare occasion that I get to go visit a church. There was a visiting pastor there. He's a pastor of Arabs that have converted to Christianity. He shared a great message titled "Here I Am". The message I received from God through his message was... "your witness is a great opportunity for God to change this world." Here I am, Lord! Use me! As I said before, the service was filled with many different cultures! I can only imagine what it will be like when we all get to heaven!

Also, during my visit, I saw Tyler Perry....I meant Madea (LOL)...during my first movie in the UAE! The movie was "okay". We were just excited to see the movie playing over here, so we went to check it out. It was interesting to see how the people here enjoy watching American movies also. The movie was in English, with the words on the screen in Arabic. I guess Madea is popular over here too!

We also went to a grocery store that has a room in the back with this sign above it...

It says...For non-Muslims

 I was too excited to see this! Why? See the picture below....

I bought pork for the first time in the UAE!

These are just a few items I picked up! They have lots more pork items as well as other American products that are not very accessible in the UAE. It was nice to see some products that I used back home. I will definitely be visiting this store quite often!

This past Thursday (November 3) was Flag Day here in the UAE! The people here are very proud of their country and love to celebrate! Here on Delma Island, they had a ceremony at the municipality with all the dignitaries and families from the island. All the schools on the island (which includes one kindergarten school, one elementary school (grades 1-5...which is my school) and one high school (grades 6-12). Here's a few pics of me enjoying the day of celebration with my students and colleagues!

My co-teacher and I.
She's a Muslim. I'm a Christian.
We both like taking selfies!


As you can see, they like throwing up their deuces/piece sign too! This week one of them was doing the "dab"! They are a little late getting it over here! LOL! Although I still have my challenges, moments like these remind me that I am here on purpose! 
I am His, Faith Walker!

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Proud teacher moment!

Like a parent bragging on their child, I am bragging on my boys today!

I haven't really posted any pictures of my students because I don't take many pictures of them. But today was a special occasion and I just wanted to share a few pics!

Today my 3rd grade boys had to perform (in English) during the morning assembly. This was our first  and they did a great job! We've recently learned about the water cycle in science class, so we did a short skit to show what we learned. Also, we learned a short chant about SUCCESS! Here are a few pics and a short video clip captured by one of the teachers!

My boys and I


Click on picture below to see video clip!

S-U-CC-E-SS---That's the way we spell SUCCESS!

Today was a SUCCESS!

After learning about healtlhy recipe snacks this week, we made our own healthy snack in class after our performance!

These two boys gave me my first teacher gifts of the year!

One SUCCESS at a time!

I am His,
Faith Walker

Sunday, October 9, 2016

What I know for sure....

"Your journey begins with a choice to get up, step out, and live fully."~Oprah

Last week, I began reading a book that my friend Shina shared with me called "What I Know for Sure" by Oprah Winfrey. Now I realize people have their own opinion about Oprah and her faith. I choose not to judge. I'm not an Oprah "fan", nor am I promoting this book. I've only read about 1/3 of it, but it is an interesting read and causes self-reflection to what you know for sure in your life.

The quote at the beginning of this post is from her book. As I reflect on my current situation, what I know for sure is that I am where I am supposed to be at this point in my journey. Although I still am not completely sure of God's purpose for bringing me here, I do know for sure that I am on a journey that is leading me to my destiny! I know for sure that this journey requires me to walk by faith and not by sight. I know for sure that each experience in this journey is an opportunity for God to reveal Himself to me in a new way! I know for sure that this journey is meant to be lived fully and to enjoy! These are some of the things I know for sure!

On Wednesday, Oct. 5, we celebrated World Teacher's Day in the UAE! I never knew this day even existed! While being a teacher is rewarding in itself, being appreciated for being a teacher is heartwarming.  I received my first teacher gift from a student this week! (Pictured below) I was very surprised! Not just because of the gift, but the fact that the student who gave it to me is one that I have began to see much improvement in his behavior since the beginning of the school year. I've actually had a parent conference with his father already. So to receive this gift from him really made my heart VERY warm! And it was handmade!

Love my handmade gift from a student! 

The administration at my school also showed the teachers some appreciation by presenting us with a mug and certificate (in the picture) during our morning meeting.  After receiving my gift, I came back and stood by my class and my emotions just began to overtake me. My eyes filled with tears as I looked at my boys and thought...although we do not share the same faith, culture, or language,God has trusted me to come here and to pour into their lives,  Over the past few years, when I was not teaching, I really doubted if I would ever go back into the classroom and teach again. I wasn't sure if God was leading me to do something else altogether or something not involving being in the classroom. After seeking Him for my next assignment (back in December of 2015), He showed me teaching in Abu Dhabi. At first I wasn't sure if I would be going, so I didn't began sharing it with my family and friends until I was sure that I was going. I knew my family would probably worry about me moving so far away. I knew there would be some who would question why I would go to another country (especially a Muslim country) to teach. I knew there would be many questions and many speculations. And while I realize that I am not the first or only person to ever teach abroad or to come to Abu Dhabi to teach, what I know for sure is... I am here ON PURPOSE.
I love being a teacher!

A parent of one of my students
 stopped by to deliver vouchers for the students who are improving their behavior.
This weekend I was also finally able to get internet  and cable service at home! As I said in my previous post, I had to wait until I received my UAE i.d. While these things are not really necessities, it is nice to have them. The best part about getting internet is that I can Skype, email, or text (via Whats App) with my family and friends on a regular basis now! I am always happy to get text or emails (please keep them coming), but it's also great seeing the faces and hearing the voices of your loved ones that you left back home! What I know for sure is....having the love and support from my family and friends is an integral part of my journey! I thank God for my support system!

Family time!
Enjoying Skyping with my sisters and their babies! 

Oprah mentions in her book that her favorite bible verse is Psalm 37:4-"Delight thyself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart." This also happens to be my favorite scripture as well! She also says, "No matter who we are or where we come from, we all have our own journey." And while nobody's journey looks alike, we are all headed toward a destiny. What I know for sure is...when you delight yourself in the Lord, and follow His leading, your destiny will be great!

So, I'll just keep walking by faith 
in Abu Dhabi!

I am His,
Faith Walker

Friday, September 30, 2016

It's official...Seasons change!

"To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven..." Ecclesiastes 3:1
It's OFFICIAL! I am an official resident of the UAE! What does that mean? I received my passport back with my residence visa and my United Arab Emirates i.d.! Now I can do things like get cable/internet turned on (finally), get a phone plan, get a P.O. Box, travel out of the country (UAE) and come back with no problems, etc! It's like being a temporary citizen of this country. Your i.d. number is sort of like a social security number in the U.S.  It's required to almost everything! However, this i.d. is only valid for three years, which happens to be when my passport expires also (Side note: I got my passport back in 2009 for my first mission trip to Cambodia. Only God knew I would still need it now for my assignment/mission/season in Abu Dhabi!) I still don't know the length of my season or time here, but for.now I will keep living and walking by faith in the UAE!

My UAE i.d.

So far, my assignment here on Dalma Island is going well. I'm adjusting to the simple, quiet life, and my 3rd grade boys! This is just the third week of school, but I already see a little progress with their behavior. We still have a long way to go, but I am confident we will get there. This is truly an interesting and challenging assignment. Although my primary assignment is to teach, I know God is up to something greater! As I move around on the island and the surrounding areas "my eyes are watching God"!
Another view from the ferry!
 I don't know exactly what Halle Berry was watching for in the movie (Their Eyes Were Watching God), but I am watching His hands orchestrate my path and my journey! I don't want to miss what He's doing in my life! God constantly reminds me to believe, have faith, and seek Him daily! Whatever He has for me may or may not be in Abu Dhabi, but I must continue to diligently seek Him to find it! Here's a few of His reminders to me from this week!
His words to me!

 (Fyi...The locals here spell it both ways Delma and Dalma.)
So I was cooking my first full course meal and this happened...
Almost burned up the kitchen!

My stove chord began to melt and burn inside the outlet!  Then it just went off...in the middle of cooking my first gourmet dinner! I guess my stove was trying to tell me I don't need to be doing a lot of cooking!! I agree!!! Lol! Not that I plan to anyway!Thanks to my friend, Shina, I was able to finish cooking my meal at her place. Here's the results!!
My meal: Gourmet spaghetti with sultry sausage and ravishing red meat sauce (Ragu), fresh green beans (canned), grilled cajun chicken (via microwave), and fresh baked dinner rolls (precooked by the store bakery)!! Not pictured...a leftover cake that I froze from my first baking experiment! All cooked...or should I say prepared by me!!! 😉
No worries...maintenance came and replaced the range plug...since they were the ones who installed it. It appears something on the plug was either defected or installed incorrectly. So it wasn't my cooking! But I still don't plan to cook too often! By the way...my meal turned out pretty good...if I do say so myself! And I do! Lol

As you know, September 22 was the OFFICIAL first day of fall in the U.S. While I don't think they recognize the seasons here (at least not the four seasons) it does seem to be a change in the air. I don't know if I'm trying to convince myself that fall is in the air over here or if it really is. The mornings and days don't seem as hot. It's still in the high 90s though, so fall here will still be like spring/early summer days back home! We've been told cooler days are coming, but it is the desert, so...I'll wait!

Until next time...thanks for your prayers! Keep them coming!
 I am His,
Faith Walker

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Living abundantly....on purpose!

While I know that I have been sent to live in this place for a greater purpose not yet revealed to me, I also know that God desires for me to live an abundant life! I am thankful for every opportunity He gives me to enjoy His creation!

I shared in my previous post that we had our first school holiday this past week. So I took advantage of spending some time off Delma Island and enjoying my holiday break! The school year has gotten off to a good start, despite the challenges I've encountered. However, I look forward to going to school everyday and knowing that God will fulfill the purpose for which He sent me! I've shared that I have 32 3rd grade boys who are quite a handful. Even with the language barrier and behavior challenges, we are already making some progress after the first two weeks of school. God has already equipped and prepared me for this, so I know all will work together for good!

 My friend Shina and I spent the week in Dubai and Abu Dhabi! God is so awesome how He provides for His children to enjoy the life that He has called them to. His word says that He came so that I may have life, and live it more abundantly...or to the full! So as I walk out this journey, I will also enjoy this life that He has given me! For this first holiday, I enjoyed spending time on the beach and going on a desert safari in Dubai, and also spending time in the city of Abu Dhabi! Here are a few pics!

Leaving the island  for the holiday break!

Enjoying the beach in Dubai!
My Abu Dhabi sister-friends!

Breakfast with friends!

It's an Arab thing!

Teachers in turbans! 
Just sitting on a rock...in the desert!

Sand dune bashing in a land cruiser!

Then God created the sun...

Meeting new people in the desert!

First camel ride!
First time posing with a falcon!
Say hello to my little friend!

Ready to do what I love to do...eat!

 First Arabian barbeque!

View of city from a mall in Abu Dhabi!

The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. John 10:10

The last day of our holiday get away we experienced our first church service in Abu Dhabi! As I shared in a previous post, there are no churches on Delma Island. They have mosques, but no churches (at least I haven't found one). So while in Abu Dhabi, we were excited about being able to fellowship with other believers....of many different nationalities!! One church, one Spirit, one faith, one God!!! We enjoyed the worship and the word! Here is a pic of us after the service! Feeling thankful and blessed!

The highlight of my first holiday get away happened while Shina and I were eating lunch in the mall on Thursday! I don't have a picture of this moment to share, but the memory will forever be in my heart! As we were eating our burgers and just talking about our current situation, God gave Shina a message to deliver to me! Although we've spent alot of time over this past month and have shared much, there's a lot I have not shared with her. The message she gave me was very specific concerning some things I have not shared! Only God could have revealed that message to her! With a face full of tears, I just sat there in awe of God once again! Even when I don't understand His purpose, I still trust His plans! I know they are both great!
I am His,
Faith Walker