Saturday, November 5, 2016

Here I Am...Being still....

Be still, and know that I am God... Psalm 46:10

As I continue on my journey in Abu Dhabi, I am once again learning to "be still". Reflecting on the past few months (almost 3 months) that I've been here, I've been busy trying to get adjusted and settled in. While my transition has had some challenges, my faith has been  unwavering; knowing that God is still in control. With each passing day, my eyes and ears are wide open listening and watching for Him to speak and show me His purpose and destiny for me. Recently, during a trip to Abu Dhabi, while listening to a message from a former pastor, I was reminded of the word God gave me before I came here..."Suddenly!" This is my season of suddenly! So although it may not seem like much is happening in my life right now, I just have to be still, trust God, and wait for my suddenly!

While I wait, I will continue to enjoy my journey in Abu Dhabi and on Dalma Island! Each day is a new opportunity for me to experience God and this place in a new way! During my recent visit to the city, I had a few "first" experiences!

I experienced going to the DMV in the UAE (although they call it something else) for the first time. It was a much easier process than I expected it to be. It didn't take long at all. Just an eye exam, a little paper work, a picture, and I was done! In and out in less than one hour.

Now I have a UAE drivers license!

After catching a little "change of weather" cold (The weather went from 104 degrees to 94 degrees. LOL!), I had my first hospital visit here. I didn't get a pic at the hospital, but here'a a pic of me on the way to the hospital.

 I know I don't look sick in the picture, but I was. LOL! I actually had to take off of school that day, so that I could take the 4 hour trip to the city to go to see a doctor. The experience was a good one. I got lots of meds (some I don't think I needed, but oh well) and got to enjoy being in the city for the weekend. I also got to go visit the church that I went to before. It's always good to be in fellowship with other believers. As I said before, they don't have churches on the island where I live, so it's a a rare occasion that I get to go visit a church. There was a visiting pastor there. He's a pastor of Arabs that have converted to Christianity. He shared a great message titled "Here I Am". The message I received from God through his message was... "your witness is a great opportunity for God to change this world." Here I am, Lord! Use me! As I said before, the service was filled with many different cultures! I can only imagine what it will be like when we all get to heaven!

Also, during my visit, I saw Tyler Perry....I meant Madea (LOL)...during my first movie in the UAE! The movie was "okay". We were just excited to see the movie playing over here, so we went to check it out. It was interesting to see how the people here enjoy watching American movies also. The movie was in English, with the words on the screen in Arabic. I guess Madea is popular over here too!

We also went to a grocery store that has a room in the back with this sign above it...

It says...For non-Muslims

 I was too excited to see this! Why? See the picture below....

I bought pork for the first time in the UAE!

These are just a few items I picked up! They have lots more pork items as well as other American products that are not very accessible in the UAE. It was nice to see some products that I used back home. I will definitely be visiting this store quite often!

This past Thursday (November 3) was Flag Day here in the UAE! The people here are very proud of their country and love to celebrate! Here on Delma Island, they had a ceremony at the municipality with all the dignitaries and families from the island. All the schools on the island (which includes one kindergarten school, one elementary school (grades 1-5...which is my school) and one high school (grades 6-12). Here's a few pics of me enjoying the day of celebration with my students and colleagues!

My co-teacher and I.
She's a Muslim. I'm a Christian.
We both like taking selfies!


As you can see, they like throwing up their deuces/piece sign too! This week one of them was doing the "dab"! They are a little late getting it over here! LOL! Although I still have my challenges, moments like these remind me that I am here on purpose! 
I am His, Faith Walker!

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