Sunday, November 27, 2016

Giving Thanks in Abu Dhabi

Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good...Psalm 107:1
I recently read a quote that says, "There is always, always something to be thankful for." And although I already knew this, I am learning more and more how to be thankful for EVERYTHING!

This is not the first Thanksgiving I've spent away from my family in Louisiana, but it is the first Thanksgiving I've spent in Abu Dhabi! Since it's not a holiday over here, this is the first time since I became a teacher that I had to work on Thanksgiving Day! Although I missed spending the day with family and friends, my day wasn't completely spent without my family! At around 2:30 a.m. Friday morning my time (which was about 4:30 p.m. on Thanksgiving in Louisiana), my sister Skyped me from my aunt's house and I was able to speak to and see my family!!! It was so good seeing their faces all at once! I held back the tears as each one of their faces came across the screen and I shouted hello to them. That really made my day and night! I THANK GOD for my family and for the love and support I have from them! I even got in on the annual family photo!
My family and me! That's me on the phone (on Skype)! Cheezzzzz!!!

My family also sent me a care package a couple weeks ago with some of my favorite things to eat, along with some things to help me celebrate Thanksgiving here in Abu Dhabi. I appreciate their Love from Louisiana! I THANK GOD for them! I LOVE MY FAMILY!
Love from Louisiana!

Since we had to work on Thursday, Shina and I decided to celebrate Thanksgiving on Friday. We invited some other ladies we met when we first came to the western region to come spend "Thanksgiving on the Island with Shina and Shirrelle". All of the ladies, except one, are from the U.S. too, so they were also away from family and friends for this holiday. This was also their first trip over to Delma Island, so they were excited to come see what life was like on the island for Shina and I. Our weekend included giving thanks, Thanksgiving dinner, Karaoke/dancing, a trip to the beach, roasting marshmallows, a sleepover and movie night! Of course my responsibilities mostly included the planning of activities, and not cooking! LOL! However, I did "make" a few things to help out. Most of you who know me probably already know what that consisted of. The usual!

I made a cake (with Betty Crocker's help), my famous pasta salad, and a fruit tray! 


Not pictured is my cornbread and greenbean casserole. As you see, my items required very little cooking! Ain't nothing changed when it comes to me cooking! I still prefer not to. LOL! Shina cooked the turkey, and most of the side dishes. Some of the ladies also contributed some dishes. We had plenty of food and fun! I must say, Shina and I gave them an enjoyable weekend. As you know from my previous blogs, there is not a lot going on here on Delma Island. But from the feedback we received from these ladies, they really had a great time and are looking forward to coming back to visit us again! I guess you can say we were the "hostess with the mostess"!!! (as one of them stated on their facebook post). I didn't take many pictures. I guess I was too busy hosting that I forgot about taking all my pics as usual. But I did take a few and I got some from some of the ladies. I THANK GOD for giving me these ladies (especially my sister/friend, Shina) to be family away from family!

Shina and I, the twinning hostesses!

At the Beach

Me, kicking off the Karoake singing my favorite childhood song, 
Tonight is the Night by Betty Wright! LOL!
Don't judge me! LOL! My momma used to let me sing my heart out 
(along with that big pink 8 track tape she had) when I was young.
I guess she knew I didn't know what the words meant at the age of 7 or 8. 
Actually, I used to sing the wrong words anyway! Ha! 
Oh...and in the red cup is my favorite drink....Sprite!!! LOL
Getting our Cha-Cha on!

Having fun getting low! And yes, I'm still SAVED! LOL!

Elevator selfie before hitting the town! Or should I say hitting the island!

Marshmallows roasting on an open fire!

Grown folks sleepover! 
Girls just want to have fun!
Gifts from the hostesses! A little USA in the UAE!

Saying goodbye to our sisters before they board the ferry (in the background) going
back to the other side!

 Aside from my thanksgiving festivities, I also THANK GOD for showing me His love! On Wednesday (the day before Thanksgiving) God told me through my morning devotion, "As you go through this day, look for tiny treasures strategically placed along the way. I lovingly go before you and plant little pleasures to brighten your day. Look carefully for them....". As I went through my day, I hadn't almost forgotten about this message I read that morning. Then later that evening, I received a knock on my door. At first, I thought it was Shina. But after looking through my peep hole, I discovered it was one of my students, who live on the same floor. His mother is an Arab teacher at the school, so they live in teacher housing also. This was his first time ever knocking on my door. When I opened it, he handed me a warm plate with pieces of chocolate swirl cake on it that his mother sent to me! At first, I was overwhelmed that it was chocolate cake, my favorite! And later, I remembered the message God had given me in my morning devotion. This was one of the "little pleasures" He sent to brighten my day! WOW!!!!! As I remembered, my eyes filled with tears, and my heart was filled with His love! I'm overwhelmed when I think about how He loves me!!!! Oh, how He loves me! I THANK GOD for His love!!!!!

He sent me chocolate (from a Muslim)! He really loves me!!!!

I am His,
Faith Walker!


  1. Awwwwe.....this was a great blog....I love you

    1. Love you too niece!! I know yall were spread out for Thanksgiving, but I still miss yall!! Love you too!!

  2. Awwwwe.....this was a great blog....I love you

  3. Hello my Sister in Christ. I missed you dearly last week as we had the Women of Wisdom (WOW) 2nd Annual Prayer and Praise in the Park! You are in our prayers as God prosper you in His purpose in your life. Love you much! Margaret Wheeler

    1. Hello my sister!! So good to hear from you! Glad to hear WOW is still praying and praising!!! To God be the glory!! Miss being there with you! Thanks for your prayers! Love you!!!
