Tuesday, August 8, 2017

New Beginnings

"For the vision is yet for the appointed time; It hastens toward the goal and it will not fail. Though it tarries, wait for it; For it will certainly come, it will not delay." (Habakkuk 2:3)

Today's sunrise on Delma Island!

Today makes one week since I returned to Abu Dhabi from my vacation in Paris. (Side note: pictures from Paris trip will follow in next post.) After returning, I spent the first few days in Dubai for a "stay-cation" and the last few days I've been back on Delma Island. While  I enjoyed my time in Paris, and each day was filled with memorable moments, I've also enjoyed my "after vacation" down time over this past week. Most of my time has been spent alone, silently relaxing, reflecting, and listening. Being able to travel the world is truly a blessing, and I am thankful, but nothing compares to spending some quiet time alone with God. For me, it is a necessary part of my life!

While in Dubai, I got to enjoy some R&R and a little sightseeing of some of the city's famous skyscrapers! Here are a few pics...

Waiting for my Swedish massage!

At the pool, reading my book that I mentioned in an earlier blog! Very interesting!! Blog post coming soon! 

Just relaxing and enjoying some quiet time!

Dubai Skyline!

The Burj Khalifa....tallest tower in the world!

The Burj Al Arab...World's most iconic hotel! 
The highlight of my stay in Dubai was meeting a young lady named Maggie from India. I met her at the church I visited while in Dubai. Initially, I had planned to attend a different church, but God had other plans. So I attended this church instead. It was a small church that was located close to the hotel I was staying. I found it online the day before (but definitely it was ordained by God). The church a baptist church, led by a pastor that was from the U.S. I'm not sure where he was from, but his accent sounded like a good ole southern baptist preacher. LOL! I was a little surprised to find that a baptist church even exist in the U.A.E. Most of the churches I know here don't carry a denomination in their titles. Anyways....he preached a good message about our life being all about Jesus rather than fulfilling man's regulations.It was also communion day.  However, the highlight of visiting this church for me, was in a connection I made during my visit.

As I sat waiting for the service to begin, this young lady came and sat a couple of seats away from me. We introduced ourselves and chatted a few minutes before the service began. During our chat, she shared she was from India, and had attended school in Arizona.She was a dental hygienist, and was in Dubai with hopes of getting employment. Almost immediately, I heard the Holy Spirit say to pray for her. Then the service started, so I didn't at that moment.  I just told her I would be praying for her and her job search. But then after service, I felt the prompting to pray "with" her. At first I tried to convince myself that I didn't have time to pray for her. I had told the driver who dropped me off at church that I would be ready to be picked up at 12 p.m. It was already after 12 and I didn't want to keep the driver waiting. But then I knew I had to obey God, so I asked her if she mind if I prayed with her. She was very receptive. At this moment, I knew why God changed my plans for me to attend this church instead of the church I had originally planned to attend. He had this divine assignment for me. After praying, I gave her my email address to stay in touch and to let me know how her job search was going. Below is the email I received from her following our visit.

This is why I MUST obey God!
I am grateful once again for God choosing me for another assignment! I'm always in awe of His ways and how He orchestrates my path to make sure I'm exactly where He needs me to be to do what He needs me to do! Even while on vacation!

Now fast forward to today....
Today's date is 8-8-17 (1+7=8). Eight is God's number for new beginnings. So on today, I'm reflecting on the new beginnings God is bringing into my life! New love, new peace, new joy, and so much more! This morning I woke up early to go out to watch the sunrise. The pictures below are the different phases that I captured.

Sunrise pic 1

Sunrise pic 2

Sunrise pic 3

Sunrise pic 4

The predicted time for the sunrise was 6:01 a.m. So I made sure I was out by the sea a little before that time. The first picture I took was at exactly 6:01 a.m. As you can see in the picture, there is a hint of the sun's light, but the sun itself is not visible. A few minutes later, I looked up and saw the glimpse of the sun captured in the second picture. In the third picture, the sun is even more visible. And in the last one, the sun's light is beginning to shine across the sky. I'm sure some of you have watched the sunrise before, so you have seen these phases. Of course, it is a beautiful site. But as I sat their watching, I was also listening.

I knew God was speaking to me about "new beginnings" this morning in relation to the sunrise at the start of a new day. Each day is a day of new beginnings. Just like the sun rising each day is a beautiful site, each day God allows me to rise to see a new day is a beautiful site! It's an opportunity for God to do something new and beautiful in my life! And today, God is reminding me of that! He is reminding me that He has new beginnings in store for me! He is reminding me of all the gifts and fruit He wants to continue to pour into my life; love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control! He is reminding me that He makes all things new! So, today, I DECLARE and RECEIVE the new beginnings that God is bringing into my life!

As the sun was rising, I also saw a reflection of God's timing! I said earlier the sun was predicted to rise at 6:01 a.m. Although their was hint of the sun, the sun was not visible. But after waiting a few more minutes the sun did eventually become visible and began to shine just as it was supposed to.  We know that God's timing is not man's timing! He is the creator of time, so He cannot be conformed to time. Habakkuk 2:3 speaks on waiting for "the vision" to come. It says that even though the vision may be delayed, to just wait for it, and it will come at the appointed time. God's timing! Through watching today's sunrise, God is reminding me that the vision and plans He has for my life may be delayed, but they will come! All I have to do is continue to wait on His appointed time! And even if I can't see it now, the Son will shine...just like He is supposed to!

In conclusion...
On my way back to my car, I looked down and saw my footprints. Of course, I immediately thought about the poem "Footprints in the Sand". Then God gently reminded me, just as the man in the poem, He is also carrying me through my journey! As I look forward to the "new beginnings" God has for me, I will continue to walk by faith....one step at a time, one day at a time!

My "footprints in the sand".

I am His,
Faith Walker

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