Sunday, August 20, 2017

Cheers to one year!!

"I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 3:14)
Arriving at the Delma Island port for the first time!

On Monday, August 14, I celebrated one year of being in Abu Dhabi! To celebrate, I went to the city (meaning, I left the island taking the two hour ferry ride to the mainland, then taking the 4 hour bus ride into the city), to have dinner at my favorite restaurant, Chili's, and I also caught a movie. This may not sound like much of a celebration, but for me it was just the idea of enjoying something I love. I love to eat, and I love to eat at Chili's.  Because I wouldn't make it back in time to catch the last ferry of the day back to the island, I stayed over night. Sometimes, it's just the simple things that bring you the most contentment. I was content just getting off the island and doing these simple things.


Enjoyed having my favorite drink (Sprite)
and dessert (Chocolate Molten Cake)
at one of my favorite restaurants (Chili's)!

On today, August 20, I celebrate one year of being on Delma Island! To celebrate today, I went to get take-out from one of the only two places on the island where I can go get a cooked meal.. the Delma hospital. That's right! The hospital! I know what you're thinking...The hospital? Yep, that's the same thing I thought when someone first told me about it. I was thinking, who wants to eat food from the hospital. Well, guess what? I quickly changed my thinking after my first trip there to get a dinner. The name of the cafeteria is the "Olive Diner". Not Olive Garden, and no, they do not serve Italian food. They usually serve local type foods including chicken, beef, fish, soups, salad, rice, and various sides. Being that I "prefer" not to cook very often, this place is a nice option for carry out. Well, it's only one of the two options I have now. The Crispy Bites that I used to go to (the knock off KFC that was at the only gas station on the island) is no longer in business. So my only two choices for getting carry out is either the hospital cafeteria or the Lebanese restaurant. Needless to say, I've cooked more monthly this past year, than I ever have before! The struggle is real! But, I've learned to be content! (Philippians 4:11)

The Olive Diner!

Learning to be content!

My dessert with my dinner from the Olive! 

 I remember last year on this day, how excited I was that morning to finally get to see my new home away from home! After getting my teaching assignment, I had not done any research for any information about Delma Island (God didn't allow me to). All I knew was that it was a real island, it was considered to be the "remote-remote" part of the western region of Abu Dhabi, and that I had to travel by a ferry to get here. So on this day, one year ago, I was up early that morning anticipating what it would be like. And one year later (today), I can truly say that only God could have prepared me for this place. There is no youtube video or website, or "word of mouth", that could do it. Being on this island has helped me to learn to be content with many things. I know without a doubt, that this is where I'm supposed to be during this season. As God continues to prepare me for the promises and things He has planned for me, He needed me to learn to be more content with my journey. I've said many times before that teaching is the reason God sent me here, but it is not His purpose. His purpose is far greater! So as I begin my second year here, I'm excited about all that God has in store!

As some of you know, I started my journey on Delma Island with my friend, Shina. She and I met just a couple of days before we came over to the island. We were the only 2 in our group that were assigned to the island. Although Shina is no longer here with me, I am so thankful that God allowed us to be together for the beginning of my journey here. He knew we would need each other!

Shina and I on our first trip on the ferry to Delma Island!

Our first day on the island was quite interesting. We were housed at the one and only motel on the island, the Delma Motel. That's right, only one motel, no hotel. As I said, Shina and I had only met a couple of days before, but on this day a year ago is where our bond began!

Where my journey on Delma Island began! 

After checking into the motel, and being given our keys to our room, we marched up the stairs (no elevator) with our luggage to check out our rooms. Shina opened her door first. As she began to open the door, she noticed a pair of "used" plastic beach shoes by the bathroom door. Thinking someone was inside, she and I jumped back in surprise and closed the door. My room was next door, so I opened my door to check inside, and we found the same thing (a pair of "used" plastic beach shoes by the bathroom door). After calling out and finding that no one was inside, we went in and quickly realized those slippers were for us to use when taking our shower! We both looked at each other like "What in the world!" and "Where in the world are we!"  We were in shock....I guess you can say this was one of our first culture shocks. At that moment, we decided we would both be staying in the same room for the duration of our stay. That was the beginning of our bonding and experience of Delma Island! At the time, we were in disbelief. Who did they think was going to wear those  used beach slippers to take a shower???  There were several other "surprises" on that first day and week at the motel. We jokingly began calling it the "Bates" motel. Although it was a bit shocking at the time, today I can look back at it all and laugh. I know it was all a part of God's plan to help me learn to be more content!

As I reflect over the past year, I think of the many different experiences I've had since that first day I arrived on Delma Island. Some I have shared on my blog, and some I have not. I think of the people I have met. I think of the places I have traveled to. I think of my own personal struggles. I think of my own spiritual growth. I think of how the hand of God continues to orchestrate every step of my journey. I know my promise is attached to my assignment here on Delma, and I must "continue to walk" (the encouraging words of a friend)!

Throughout the year, God has allowed me to have many other experiences while living here  that have been a part of this plan. And while there are some areas that I have totally learned to be content, I must admit, there are others that I am still learning to be content. I share many things on my blog, but I don't share everything. While I have many positive experiences, I've also had some challenges. At times, I even struggle with being content with my own personal circumstances. However, God is still working on me, and I'm still pressing toward the mark! (Philippians 3:14) I know "that" contentment will come as I continue this journey!

So cheers to one year of being in Abu Dhabi, to one year of being on Delma Island, to still learning to be content, to still pressing toward the mark, and to being one year closer to my promises and destiny!!

I am His,
Faith Walker

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