Saturday, August 12, 2017

Adventures in Paris...Oui! Oui!

 "Time is free, but it is priceless!"

Bonjour from Paris!

I recently read the quote above in one of my devotional readings. It really captured my thoughts and stuck with me throughout my time of vacationing in Paris. This was a first time trip for me, and "priceless" is definitely a good word to describe my time there. My visit was only for a few days, but I enjoyed every minute of it! Mostly, I was grateful for the opportunity God has given me to travel to places I never really thought about traveling to!

So this post is not only to share with you the adventures of my travel, but to share the gratitude I have for God allowing me to travel. My smile on each picture comes from the joy I have for the love  that God has for me! Paris is known as being a "city of lights" and a "city of love". I really enjoyed the lights of the city! As for love, the only love I experienced while there was the love of God! He is truly the love of my life! Maybe one day in the future, I will return with the "earthly" love of my life and get to experience some eros love in the city of Paris!

Here's some pics of my adventures...

Day 1-I landed in Paris around noon, checked into my hotel, showered, and hit the Parisian streets (wearing my Bon'jour shirt)! I hopped on the top of one of the local sightseeing tour buses to get my first glimpse of the city and some of it's famous sites!

Hop-On Hop-off Tour Bus!
Great introduction to the city and way of travel and 
see the city throughout my stay!

About to hop-on the tour bus!

Arc de Triomphe

Notre Dame Cathedral

My first  live view of the Eiffel Tower!

View of the pyramid inside Royal Palace

Moulin Rouge

Day 2-I had a guided tour including the Louvre Museum, cruising along the Seine River, and lunch in the Eiffel Tower restaurant, and the Notre Dame Cathedral. During the tour, I connected with two sisters who were visiting from the U.S.

The tour guide and I.

Outside the Notre Dame Cathedral

Inside the Notre Dame Cathedral

Cruising on the Seine River

Eiffel Tower tour

View from second floor of Eiffel Tower

Lunch at the Eiffel Tower restaurant with my new friends,
Sonja and Sherrilyn!

Outside the Louvre Museum (World's largest museum)

Mona Lisa painting inside the Louvre

Painting of Jesus at the wedding at Cana. One of the two largest paintings in the Louvre.

Nike "Victory" statue in the Louvre museum! 

Outside the museum

Just me wondering through the streets after the tour.

Day 3-Inspired by my love of chocolate, I did a guided walking tour to taste some of Paris' favorite chocolates! I enjoyed the things I learned on my tour, but more importantly, I enjoyed eating the chocolate along the way!

The tour guide of the day and I.

La Maison du Chocolate

Pierre Herme chocolates

Chapon chocolates

Pierre Marcolini chocolates

Lunch at the Hard Rock Cafe of Paris!

More tour bus top cruising and sightseeing!

Day 4-Today was Sunday, so I attended a morning church service at a small chapel I found in the neighborhood of the hotel where I stayed. The service was in French and I didn't understand what they were saying...except a few words like Jesus, hallelujah, and amen. But worship is universal, so I worshipped in my own language! πŸ˜‰ Later in the evening I took a tour including a dinner cruise on the Seine River, another visit to the Eiffel tower (this time to see the night lights), and a cabaret show at the Moulin Rouge!

Sunday Church day on vacay!

Stopped by Paul's for a little after church snack! I highly recommend the chocolate eclaires!! Delicious!!!

Paris Orleans Station

Dinner cruise ready! 

My new friends, Chris and Craig, I met on the cruise!

One of my favorite pics! France's Statue of Liberty and the Eiffel Tower captured in one pic while cruising the Seine River.

Watching the sunset over the city from the Eiffel Tower!

The night lights show at the Eiffel Tower!

At the Moulin Rouge for the famous cabaret show.

Last chance to take pics for the night!
No pictures allowed of the show!

Day 5-My last day in Paris! No time for tours, or sightseeing. Just breakfast at the hotel and a taxi ride to the airport. But of course, I took a few pictures!

Au Revoir, Paris! 

In conclusion...
As I stated earlier, I enjoyed every minute of my time in Paris! It was definitely "priceless"! But the highlight of my trip could not really be captured in any of my pics. I love the opportunity God allows me to make connections and I did take a couple of pics with some of the people I connected with along the way.  I do not take any connections God allows me to make for granted. On each tour, I had the opportunity to not only meet people, but to share a little of my journey with them. It usually began with them asking me where I live, followed by what I did here. So in answering their question, I had to share some of my journey with them. Each time I shared, they all thought it was such a "great thing" I was doing teaching here in the UAE. My motive for sharing my journey is never to brag or boast or for someone to think I'm doing a "great thing". I only want to glorify God in what I do and to the "right thing" according to His will for my life. So it always amazes me how excited people get about me obeying God! I just want to please Him! Paris was great and God is awesome!!!

I am His,
Faith Walker


  1. Love you and thanks for sharing

  2. Beautiful sis... Love you & see you soon! <3

    1. Oui, Oui!! Love you too sis and can't wait to see yall soon!!! 😍

  3. That is truly amazing.. and wonderful things and places you've never imagined but look at God. As long as we follow his will

  4. Not sure who this is, but thanks for the love!!😍Yes, God is amazing!!!
