Saturday, April 25, 2020

Then and now....God's plans!

For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord . “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. (Jeremiah 29:11 NLT)

The picture above popped up as a Facebook memory on today. On this day seven years ago, I was in the library at Phoenix Seminary writing my final paper before my graduation two weeks later. In the post above the picture, I shared my reason for going to seminary...OBEDIENCE. I didn't go in pursuit of a specific title, or position. I wasn't desiring to "become" something. I just wanted to please God with my obedience. That was my only motive then, and that is still my only motive now!

On this day seven years ago, I had no idea what God's plans were for me next. I didn't know a few months later He would send me on a short mission to Turkey. I didn't know after that, He would send me on a mission back to my hometown to live with and care for my mom for a year and a half until she passed away in 2015. I had no idea the year after that, He would send me on a mission to Abu Dhabi to live on an island where I would teach Arab-Muslim students for 3 years and have an experience with Him that would prepare me for where I am today...physically and spiritually!

The only thing I did know on this day seven years ago, was that I was where I was suppose to be at that moment. I knew God sent me there to study His word. I knew God had provided my needs during my season there. I knew God would reveal to me the plans He had for me next, and I knew I would matter what.

On this day seven years later, I am in a place I once again had no idea God would send me. But when He told me He was sending me here, again I obeyed. And I do know I am where I am suppose to be at this moment. Today God reminded me (through my journal entries and a messenger) that He has seen my obedience now just as He did then. As the facebook memory above says, still all I want "to be" is OBEDIENT!

As I wait for God to reveal to me what's next, I know I must continue to be obedient with my current assignments. I know He has great plans for me! For His Glory!


Friday, April 17, 2020

8 =New Beginnings!

God always keeps His promises!

Blessed [gratefully praised and adored] be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His abundant and boundless mercy has caused us to be born again [that is, to be reborn from above—spiritually transformed, renewed, and set apart for His purpose] to an ever-living hope and confident assurance through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead (1 Peter 1:3 AMP)

Today (4/17/2020) marks 8 months since I transitioned to Oklahoma City! While some may have thought me moving here was a bold move, I was actually filled with fear. I didn't know the details of my assignment here, but I knew I had to be obedient to what God told me to do. And now 8 months later, God has delivered me from the fear I had upon my arrival here.

In my first journal entry after arriving in OKC, I reflected to the morning when I left my mom's home. I wrote these words...

"Before leaving, on my way out the door, I had a moment with my mom. Her picture was facing me as I walked out the door. I could hear her telling me, 'If that's what God told you to do, then do it.' (As she told me long ago when I was a little girl and I came home from church and had experienced hearing God give me instructions for the first time.) The tears fell knowing she would be my #1 supporter if she was still here. And she would be proud of me walking out my journey of faith."

Even now, my eyes are filled with tears as I think of my mom and how she always encouraged me along my journey. Just last month, God reminded me of a letter I had inside one of my old journals. It was a letter I had written to my mom 23 years ago when I lived in Dallas in 1997. She had kept it in one of her drawers with her important papers. I found it after she passed away. In the letter I was sharing some things about my life in Dallas and things I was beginning to experience in my relationship with God. In the letter I wrote these words...

"I have surrendered to Him and I am obeying Him. I couldn't be any happier. I have committed to doing His will."

Reading these words, God reminded me that I am still doing what I told my mom I was doing over 23 years ago. The only difference is she's not here with me and I can't share with her the details of my journey. But I know she is smiling down on me!

About a month ago when the world began to "shut down" outside due to the pandemic, God had me to "shut down" inside. For two days, I turned off my phone and television, deactivated Facebook and uninstalled instagram so that I could be undistracted and just hear from God. He already knew the matters of my heart, and wanted to manifest His presence to me. As He spoke loud and clear with His still small voice, I listened and received! As a sign to me, He set a rainbow in the sky (something He uses at very specific times to personally speak to me along my journey)! This was my first rainbow sighting since being in OKC (pictured above). And since that weekend, He has continued to speak and reveal specific things concerning His purpose and plans for my life.

The number 8 represents new beginnings! It symbolizes a resurrection. On last Sunday, we celebrated Resurrection of Jesus! And because He lives, all my fear is gone! I declare and decree on today, that God has resurrected me from fear and today is a new beginning of my journey in Oklahoma City! I've been transformed, renewed, and set apart for His purpose.🙏🏽 More faith walking coming soon! ❤

I am His, Faith Walker!