Saturday, March 23, 2019

Glimpses of Him

The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
Psalm 19:1 NIV

The beginning of this week, (Sunday, March 17th) marked the 4th year of my mother's transition to eternal life. So, of course this weekend began with me being a little emotional. And although I know she is resting in peace and I will see her again, I miss her dearly being here. There is nothing that can replace my mother's love!!! The good news is God promises that He will comfort those who mourn! (Matthew 5:4) And this week, He did just that! 

Glimpse #1
He began by putting me on the mind of someone the EXACT date of my mom's death, without the person even knowing it. I received the text below and immediately began to cry, because I knew God was comforting me!

Glimpse #2
On yesterday, I captured the pics (at the beginning and end of this post) of God's awesomeness on display in the sky! (The pics don't give the real view any justice!) At first sight, I couldn't really see the sun, because of the clouds covering it. I could see the rays shining from the sun, but I could only see glimpses of the sun. Then suddenly, there was a break in the clouds, and I could see it! It reminded me that just like the sun was shining right beyond the clouds, God is ALWAYS there...glimpses of Him!!!! Leading, guiding, and directing my path!

I immediately heard a song from 1999 ("There He Is" by Trin-i-tee 5:7) begin to play in my head. I really didn't remember the lyrics, so I googled them. Here's an excerpt from the chorus. .....
There He is
Wherever I go
There He is
Wherever I turn
There He is
He's all around
There He is
Reach out and touch Him
There He is
He's right there
There He is
And He's guaranteed to answer
There He is
All of your prayers

Glimpse #3
Later on, I went to the home of one of my co-workers for dinner with her family. She is an Arabic teacher from Jordan and she is a Muslim. We taught together my first two years here in the UAE. Her son was in my 3rd grade class last year and currently in my 4th grade class. Over the years that I've been here, she and I have become "friends like family". She says I'm her "sister". We took this picture before I left their home. She was uncovered during my visit, but covered for the pic. 😍

Traditional meal prepared by her husband! We ate sitting on the floor around the meal, which is their custom to do. 

This was the first time I would go to her home. Previously when she invited me over, I was not available. But God made sure I was available on this particular weekend, because He once again kept His promise of comforting me in my mourning! At the beginning of the week, I was missing my mom being here and missing being home with my family, and God ended my week by having me spend time with "family"! Once again showing me a glimpse of Him!

Her husband snapped this pic of their children and I to share with their family back in Jordan. The son with four fingers up is the one I have taught the past two years. 

While I know God is always there, receiving these glimpses of Him always leaves me in AWE!!  

There He is!!! 

I am His!
Faith Walker

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