Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Two score and seven years ago...God created me!

"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

God's words to me on my birthday!

Some of you know that I celebrated my 47th birthday on June 19th. When I look back over the years of my life, I see how God has orchestrated every part of it. Even the things I didn't understand why He allowed, I now know it was and is all a part of getting me to my destiny!

The picture above is my devotional reading from my birth date. In the devotion the word "enjoying" is repeated twice. Repeating something is God's way of getting our attention. Even on this day, God was reminding me to "enjoy" His presence as I enjoy my journey! My response... I hear you, Lord, and I will obey!

The number seven has been a special number throughout my journey. So of course, this year's birthday is a special one also. Seven is God's number for completion and perfection. Philippians 1:6 tells me that I can be confident that God will complete the good work that He has begun in me. So although my life journey may not have been perfect, the plans God has for me are! And I am looking forward to all God has for me in my 47th year of life and beyond!

Two score and 7 years = 47!

For my birthday, I celebrated with a weekend getaway to an island resort located nearby the island where I currently stay. The only people who live on this particular island are the people who work at the resort. Although it's only about 2 and 1/2 hours away from my current location, it was like going to another world! The view was amazing and I enjoyed pampering and loving on myself! I am thankful to God for allowing me to celebrate another year of life, and for the plans He has for me!

A funny story...
As I sat in the waiting area for the boat that would be taking me to the island for my getaway, I looked around and noticed that I was the only person going to the island "alone". It was just a thought. And then I noticed a group of four couples who had about 25 children altogether ranging from infant to about 5 or 6 years old!!! Really! Then I noticed another couple and the man pulled out a rag and began to blow his nose LOUDLY!!!!!!!! Quickly my thought turned from I'm the only person going to the island alone to THANK GAWWWDDDDD I'm by myself!!!!! LOL!!!! Nothing like a little rest and relaxation!!!! A great way  to celebrate life and enjoy my journey to 47!
 Here are a few pictures from my weekend getaway to Sir Bani Yas Island!

My weekend views
Poolside view
Another poolside view

Hotel balcony view
Another balcony view

 Day 1
Had my own personal tour guide for a cultural tour!

Who knew they had a Christian Monastery on an island
in Abu Dhabi! 

Learning about the monastery.

A view of the ongoing excavations of the monastery. 

Just me relaxing by the sea!

Dinner and my first birthday dessert!

Day 2-Spa Day!
Headed to breakfast and then the spa!

Spa time!

Ready for my spa treatment!

Mani and pedi time!

The hotel staff had this waiting for me in my room when I returned from my spa! A nice surprise!

A little pool time!

Dinner at the resort's African themed restaurant! 

Another "chocolate" birthday desert! He loves me!!

 Day 3-Sunday Selfies
Another personal tour guide for the nature and wildlife tour!

God's creations!

One last view!

My last supper (actually lunch)!

Happy Sunday!

This card  was given to me by one of the staff members at the end of my weekend. At the bottom it reads "Life is A Journey"! I first saw this on my confirmation email I received from them (after God had been speaking these words into my spirit!)  When I originally made my reservations for this particular resort, 
I did not know this was their motto! But God knew!
My confirmation!!!

Thanks again for being a part of my journey! I pray that God's purpose is fulfilled in each of our lives! Until next time, I will be continuing to walk by faith and enjoying my journey!

I am His,
Faith Walker

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