Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Two score and seven years ago...God created me!

"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

God's words to me on my birthday!

Some of you know that I celebrated my 47th birthday on June 19th. When I look back over the years of my life, I see how God has orchestrated every part of it. Even the things I didn't understand why He allowed, I now know it was and is all a part of getting me to my destiny!

The picture above is my devotional reading from my birth date. In the devotion the word "enjoying" is repeated twice. Repeating something is God's way of getting our attention. Even on this day, God was reminding me to "enjoy" His presence as I enjoy my journey! My response... I hear you, Lord, and I will obey!

The number seven has been a special number throughout my journey. So of course, this year's birthday is a special one also. Seven is God's number for completion and perfection. Philippians 1:6 tells me that I can be confident that God will complete the good work that He has begun in me. So although my life journey may not have been perfect, the plans God has for me are! And I am looking forward to all God has for me in my 47th year of life and beyond!

Two score and 7 years = 47!

For my birthday, I celebrated with a weekend getaway to an island resort located nearby the island where I currently stay. The only people who live on this particular island are the people who work at the resort. Although it's only about 2 and 1/2 hours away from my current location, it was like going to another world! The view was amazing and I enjoyed pampering and loving on myself! I am thankful to God for allowing me to celebrate another year of life, and for the plans He has for me!

A funny story...
As I sat in the waiting area for the boat that would be taking me to the island for my getaway, I looked around and noticed that I was the only person going to the island "alone". It was just a thought. And then I noticed a group of four couples who had about 25 children altogether ranging from infant to about 5 or 6 years old!!! Really! Then I noticed another couple and the man pulled out a rag and began to blow his nose LOUDLY!!!!!!!! Quickly my thought turned from I'm the only person going to the island alone to THANK GAWWWDDDDD I'm by myself!!!!! LOL!!!! Nothing like a little rest and relaxation!!!! A great way  to celebrate life and enjoy my journey to 47!
 Here are a few pictures from my weekend getaway to Sir Bani Yas Island!

My weekend views
Poolside view
Another poolside view

Hotel balcony view
Another balcony view

 Day 1
Had my own personal tour guide for a cultural tour!

Who knew they had a Christian Monastery on an island
in Abu Dhabi! 

Learning about the monastery.

A view of the ongoing excavations of the monastery. 

Just me relaxing by the sea!

Dinner and my first birthday dessert!

Day 2-Spa Day!
Headed to breakfast and then the spa!

Spa time!

Ready for my spa treatment!

Mani and pedi time!

The hotel staff had this waiting for me in my room when I returned from my spa! A nice surprise!

A little pool time!

Dinner at the resort's African themed restaurant! 

Another "chocolate" birthday desert! He loves me!!

 Day 3-Sunday Selfies
Another personal tour guide for the nature and wildlife tour!

God's creations!

One last view!

My last supper (actually lunch)!

Happy Sunday!

This card  was given to me by one of the staff members at the end of my weekend. At the bottom it reads "Life is A Journey"! I first saw this on my confirmation email I received from them (after God had been speaking these words into my spirit!)  When I originally made my reservations for this particular resort, 
I did not know this was their motto! But God knew!
My confirmation!!!

Thanks again for being a part of my journey! I pray that God's purpose is fulfilled in each of our lives! Until next time, I will be continuing to walk by faith and enjoying my journey!

I am His,
Faith Walker

Life is a Journey...Enjoy the Journey (Part 2)

 "You will make known to me the path of life, in your presence is fullness of joy; in your right hand there are pleasures forevermore." (Psalm 16:11)

In the spring of 2008, I was involved with a ministry called Kairos Outside. This is an international prison ministry that holds retreat weekends throughout the year for women who have loved ones incarcerated. This ministry connected me with some great people! During the weekends, the guests (people who attended the weekend for the first time) experience the love of Christ through a series of events. I had attended a weekend as a guest in 2006 (a great experience), and was now serving as a team member. Each weekend has a leader who is responsible for assembling a team and facilitating the weekend. The leader is also responsible for choosing the theme for the weekend. For this weekend, my sister, Marisa Pineda, chose "Enjoy the Journey" as her theme. At the time, enjoying the journey was the farthest thing from my mind!

Just a few months earlier, my marriage of 5 years had ended in divorce. This was a very devastating and painful time for me. Most of my family and friends didn't even know until it had already happened. I didn't want to share my pain with anyone. I knew I was obedient in doing what God had told me to do, and I could not understand why this was happening to me.  So the thought of "Enjoy the Journey" was not something I could think about doing. During this particular Kairos Outside weekend, I was assigned to speak on the topic "Rejection". I guess God knew that's how I was feeling. That was just one of the many different feelings I felt. However, I wore a mask to make everyone think I was okay. I hid behind my faith and pretended like I understood. But really I didn't. I didn't understand if God loved me so much, why was He allowing me to experience so much pain. If I was His child, why did He not protect me! If  I was obedient to doing what He wanted me to do, why did He allow the enemy to steal, kill, and destroy my marriage! I had so many questions I needed God to answer. I could not imagine ever being able to say I was enjoying the journey. It's been 10 years now, and God has given me peace and has answered all the questions I had. I now know that nothing happened that He didn't allow. And everything He allowed to happen was and is all for His greater purpose!

In my last post, I talked about the connections I've made along my life's journey. Many of these connections have been vital to helping me enjoy my journey. As I stated in my previous post, these connections were all for a purpose. God's purpose! He knew who and what I needed to encourage me along the way! Throughout each season of my journey, I have great memories! When I reflect on the last 10 years, God has allowed me to experience many people and things that have been a part of me enjoying my journey!

The picture at the beginning of this post was taken earlier this month. It's a picture of me getting a henna tattoo at school! Yes, at school! Well, as you can see, there are no children in my classroom. The holy month for Muslims (known as Ramadan) began at the end of May. After the first week, the students at my school stopped coming to school, even though their last day was supposed to be June 22nd. So on this particular day, one of the cleaners at the school decided to do henna tattoos. And since I had a lot of time on my hands (literally and pun intended), I joined in on the fun! Here's another picture of me getting tatted!

This is what happens when the students don't come to school and you have too much time on your hands! LOL!

 I must say being in Abu Dhabi has definitely been an interesting experience. This has been another one of those seasons God has allowed in my life to  experience people and things to be a part of me enjoying my journey! When I first came, my focus was strictly on God's purpose for sending me here. While I had some enjoyable moments, I was more focused on my purpose than I was enjoying my journey. But now I understand that God wants me to do both. He wants me to fulfill my purpose, but He also wants me to enjoy this season of my journey! So, for however long He has for me to be here, I will be enjoying the journey! As the scripture at the beginning of this post says, God is making known to me the path of  my life, and I am finding and experiencing the fullness of joy in His presence!

I am His,
Faith Walker

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Life is a Journey...Enjoy the journey (Part 1)

"Here is what I have seen to be good and fitting; to eat, to drink and enjoy oneself in all one's labor in which he toils under the sun during the few years of his life which God has given him; for this is his reward." (Ecclesiastes 5:18)

Life is a journey is a cliche' that many of us have heard or used during our lifetime. Also, someone coined the phrase "enjoy the journey", in reference to enjoying your life's journey. In the scripture above, King Solomon seems to sum up both of these phrases. King Solomon, who is known as for his wisdom, tells us it is good for us to enjoy the days or journey of life that God has given each of us.

 Lately, these two phrases have been ringing very loudly in my ears! It's as if God is just reminding me to not just focus on the journey to my destination, but to enjoy the journey! Life's journey is full of many seasons. Some seasons you are on the mountain top, and others you seem to be down in the valleys. Some seasons you want to hold on to forever, and some seasons you wish you never even had to experience. But each season is necessary! It's all a part of your journey!

I recently read in a movie caption that life is not just about the journey, but also about the connections you make along the way. Which reminds me of another phrase that has been said in different ways. One person said it this way: "People come into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime..." Of course, Ecclesiastes 3:1 pops into my mind. "To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven." Throughout my journey, I've had some reason, season, and lifetime connections. If you are reading this blog, it's very likely that you are one of these connections, and I am thankful for each of you! Especially those of you who have encouraged me along my journey.  Some of you may not know the role you have played in my journey, but if we have been connected in anyway, it was all for God's purpose. So, I just want to say "Thank you!". There are so many of you, that I can't start calling names because I would miss someone. But I would like to share some of my most recent connections.

In my last blog, I shared about my Arab co-worker (from Syria) who shared her first Ramadan meal with me. The one who had been inviting me over for tea, but I had not visited yet. Well, as I told you, I did go over to visit and to return her plates and the dates I had purchased. She was very happy that I came over. I was happy that I came too. Although we share many differences, I still felt an instant connection. Even though we've been seeing and greeting each other at school throughout the year, this was the first time I felt our connection. Below is the text message, I received from her after my visit. Her message has the white background. I think the feeling of a connection was mutual! 💕 I have a feeling that we will have more visits in the future!

No caption needed!

This next connection is not one I ever expected.

This is Reagan. She is from the U.S.

Reagan also came to Abu Dhabi in August. We first met when our group was being sent to the western region for our teaching assignments. So she is part of the first group of friends that I made. However, I never saw myself being "connected" to her. Upon meeting her, she was very bitter about being placed in the western region. (She is also is a very remote area, but not on the island.) She was very vocal about her bitterness and I perceived her to be a very negative person. Each time we would get together as a group, she seemed to be even more bitter. Because I consider myself an optimistic person, I try to avoid negativity, and negative people also. So Reagan is not a person I communicated much throughout this year, other than the few times our group got together. However, God did the unexpected recently.

The picture above was taken on Friday, June 2nd. Earlier that morning, I had gone to the 8:30 service at the church I've been attending here. This is unusual because I usually go to the 10:15 service. On this particular morning, I woke up early and decided to go to the 8:30 service instead. What I didn't know at the time was it was all a part of God's plan. As I was sitting waiting on the service to begin, God put Reagan on my mind. (Side note: I knew she was in the city, because we had plans to meet later. That's the second part of this connection story. To be continued in the next paragraph.) He then had me to send her a text message inviting her to come to the 10:15 service. I didn't tell her I was at the 8:30 service (He wouldn't let me tell her!). I thought it was too late to be inviting her to church, but I had to be obedient and sent the text anyway. She responded by saying she hadn't brought clothes for church, but to send her the church's location and she "will see". I told her the dress was very casual and sent the directions. I wasn't sure if she would come or not, but I knew I had to be obedient and ask. Well, the picture above was taken at the end of the church service! She made it! Church was almost over, but she came! I was soooo happy and I just know God was pleased. Pleased with my obedience of inviting her and pleased with her response in coming! Afterwards, she said she was glad she came, and now she knows a place she can go to church when she comes to the city on the weekends. To God be the glory!

Now for the second part of this connection story....Some of us from our group of friends had planned to meet in Abu Dhabi to just get together before we all leave for our summer destination. However, the other two ladies who were supposed to join us ended up not coming, so it was just Reagan and I. Now I know that's just how God meant for it to be! The collage of pictures below were taken later on that evening when Reagan and I went to an Iftar buffet. Iftar is what the muslims refer to the time period after sunset when they break their fasting. Many hotels and restaurants have buffets during this time to accommodate the muslims fasting schedule during the month of Ramadan. Neither of us are muslims, but we are human so we have to eat! And many of you know I love to eat! LOL! So, we enjoyed this "Iftar in the Clouds" that was held in the world's highest suspended hotel suite that is located in Abu Dhabi. The suite and the view from the 52nd floor was amazing and the buffet was fabulous! It also just so happens that we both have June birthdays. So this was a great way for us to kick of our birthday month! I would have never imagined that I would be doing this with Reagan, but I know God had a purpose! I am thankful for this connection!
Reagan and I enjoying dinner at the 
Iftar in the Clouds buffet! 

The picture at the beginning of this blog was taken of the dessert table at the buffet! This is where I found this chocolate cake that I claimed for myself since no one had cut it yet! I guess God had them to make it just for me! He knows that's my favorite!!!

My chocolate cake! 

This is the text message I received from Reagan the day after our dinner! Another connection designed by God!

While these are the main two stories God has led me to share on this blog, here are pics of a few  other connections that God has orchestrated during my time here in Abu Dhabi!

This is Danielle. She is from the U.S. Danielle is one of the ladies I met when I went to the women's retreat with the church I attend. We connected at the retreat and have been in communication since then. During a recent visit to Abu Dhabi, I met her and her husband for dinner. Although it was our first time getting together, it felt like I was with family! I'm sure there will be more "getting togethers" for us. Another God connection!
This is  an excerpt of text messages shared between Danielle and I after our dinner together.  As you see, we both express our love of pork! Yesssss!!!! Definitely a God connection!!! LOL!

This is Janna. She is from the U.S. Janna and I also connected at the women's retreat. This is a picture of us at a Paint and Sip that she invited me to attend with her and her husband. We painted the Abu Dhabi skyline and sipped on my favorite drinks...
Sprite and juice! LOL!
Another God connection! 

This is Nuha. She is from Jordan. She is my Arabic co-teacher. On the first day we found out we would be working together, she welcomed me with open arms (literally). And throughout the school year, we've grown closer. Recently, she gave me a gift and she said "You are my sister". At that moment, I knew that this was
 another God connection!

This is Wafa. She is a local, which means she is an Emirate from  right here on Delma Island. Wafa is the science lab teacher assist. Throughout the year she has assisted me with science lesson in the classroom and has been one of the kindest persons I've met at the school. This past week she came into my classroom to give me a gift of a variety of Arab perfumes! She said it was just to "encourage me"! Of course my heart and eyes were full of tears! Tears because I knew this was another God connection and God was using her to encourage me to continue to be obedient
to what He tells me to do! (Sidenote: The sign over our heads says "Principal" because she was in the principal's office when I went to thank her for my gift again and to take this pic. They are good friends or maybe related. 😉)

These are the cleaners (aka custodians) at the school. They are from Nepal. Three of them are from my school and three of them are from the Kindergarten school. This picture was taken on the ferry, so they were all dressed up because they were going to the mainland to spend their day off. The only one who's name I know is the one to the far left with her hand over her mouth. Her name is Tina. I just learned her name the day before when she gave me a henna tattoo. LOL! This picture was taken after a brief conversation  we had (orchestrated by God) that lead to one of them asking if they could take a picture with me. Then another one wanted a picture, and then all of them wanted a picture. Of course, then I took out my camera and we all took a selfie! That brief conversation we had (before we started taking pictures) let me know this moment was a God connection!

"Life is  Journey", and I am thankful for all my connections throughout my life's journey! I pray that God's purpose be fulfilled in each of our lives and that we all "Enjoy the journey"!

I am His,
Faith Walker