Sunday, April 23, 2017


"I have learned to be content in whatever situation I am in." (Philippians 4:11)

This weekend I attended a women's retreat with the church I've been attending whenever I go to Abu Dhabi. It was a Muslim religious holiday weekend here, so we were off on today (Sunday), which allowed me to be able to attend the retreat. I believe God knew I needed to be there, so He arranged it to be on this very weekend JUST FOR ME!!!

Retreat goodies!

It was truly a blessing! The speaker shared from the book of Philippians about "Contentment". In this book Paul speaks about learning to be content despite all that he had to go through. In spite of all his sufferings, he was content. His focus was on living for Christ. He was confident that God had a greater purpose for it all. Like Paul, I too have learned...and am still learning... to be content; not only with my current situation, but also with other life experiences or situations. For example...I've learned to be content being divorced and still single after ten years. I've learned to be content being 46 years old (almost 47) with no children. I've learned to be content in seasons of isolation. My contentment doesn't mean I understand "why" God allowed these things, but it does mean I trust that He has a greater purpose for allowing them. It means that I am confident that God is going to complete the work He has begun in me. It means I believe He will keep His promises to me!

I admit that being content does not always come easy for me. At times I'm more content than others. Recently, I was experiencing a moment where discontentment tried to come upon me. No one knew but me and God! But this weekend at the retreat it seemed as if the speaker was talking directly to me at times! Also the pastor at church. God reminded me this weekend that I just have to trust that He is working all things for good! Regardless of the situation or circumstance, my hope is in this promise!

The speaker for the retreat (Keri Folmar) has also written three bible study books and had a few of them with her. One of them titled "Faith"! Now, you know I believe God had her to bring that JUST FOR ME!!!! Below is a picture of me and the author with my autographed copy! I can't wait to get started!

The speaker and I

I also got to meet other women who attend the church. This was my first time attending a ministry event with the church, so it was my first time actually getting to meet people. Now I know a few more of my sisters in Christ and made some connections with a few of them. Here's a few pics!

These are some of the ladies I connected with. From left to right: Gina from Korea, Maureen from Nigeria, Janna from the U.S., Danielle from the U.S. and Lydia from India.  This is an example of the church's congregation. People from different nations worshipping God together!

Gina and I were roommates!

Saying goodbye to my new sisters!

It truly enjoyed the retreat! It was just what I needed! It was relaxing, refreshing, and reviving! While I am still learning to be content in some things, I have learned to be content in most things! My contentment is in knowing that I am His!

"The content woman holds fast to the word of life. And a woman who holds fast to the word of life is content."

Side note:
After returning from the retreat, I went to Chili's and experienced more contentment in this molten chocolate cake!!! Yes, I also believe someone created this JUST FOR ME!!!

Don't judge me! Chocolate brings me contentment too!! Lol!

Now I'm back on Delma Island filled with even more contentment for my journey!

I am His,
Faith Walker

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