Sunday, April 23, 2017


"I have learned to be content in whatever situation I am in." (Philippians 4:11)

This weekend I attended a women's retreat with the church I've been attending whenever I go to Abu Dhabi. It was a Muslim religious holiday weekend here, so we were off on today (Sunday), which allowed me to be able to attend the retreat. I believe God knew I needed to be there, so He arranged it to be on this very weekend JUST FOR ME!!!

Retreat goodies!

It was truly a blessing! The speaker shared from the book of Philippians about "Contentment". In this book Paul speaks about learning to be content despite all that he had to go through. In spite of all his sufferings, he was content. His focus was on living for Christ. He was confident that God had a greater purpose for it all. Like Paul, I too have learned...and am still learning... to be content; not only with my current situation, but also with other life experiences or situations. For example...I've learned to be content being divorced and still single after ten years. I've learned to be content being 46 years old (almost 47) with no children. I've learned to be content in seasons of isolation. My contentment doesn't mean I understand "why" God allowed these things, but it does mean I trust that He has a greater purpose for allowing them. It means that I am confident that God is going to complete the work He has begun in me. It means I believe He will keep His promises to me!

I admit that being content does not always come easy for me. At times I'm more content than others. Recently, I was experiencing a moment where discontentment tried to come upon me. No one knew but me and God! But this weekend at the retreat it seemed as if the speaker was talking directly to me at times! Also the pastor at church. God reminded me this weekend that I just have to trust that He is working all things for good! Regardless of the situation or circumstance, my hope is in this promise!

The speaker for the retreat (Keri Folmar) has also written three bible study books and had a few of them with her. One of them titled "Faith"! Now, you know I believe God had her to bring that JUST FOR ME!!!! Below is a picture of me and the author with my autographed copy! I can't wait to get started!

The speaker and I

I also got to meet other women who attend the church. This was my first time attending a ministry event with the church, so it was my first time actually getting to meet people. Now I know a few more of my sisters in Christ and made some connections with a few of them. Here's a few pics!

These are some of the ladies I connected with. From left to right: Gina from Korea, Maureen from Nigeria, Janna from the U.S., Danielle from the U.S. and Lydia from India.  This is an example of the church's congregation. People from different nations worshipping God together!

Gina and I were roommates!

Saying goodbye to my new sisters!

It truly enjoyed the retreat! It was just what I needed! It was relaxing, refreshing, and reviving! While I am still learning to be content in some things, I have learned to be content in most things! My contentment is in knowing that I am His!

"The content woman holds fast to the word of life. And a woman who holds fast to the word of life is content."

Side note:
After returning from the retreat, I went to Chili's and experienced more contentment in this molten chocolate cake!!! Yes, I also believe someone created this JUST FOR ME!!!

Don't judge me! Chocolate brings me contentment too!! Lol!

Now I'm back on Delma Island filled with even more contentment for my journey!

I am His,
Faith Walker

Sunday, April 16, 2017


"I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten..." (Joel 2:25)

I don't know if this will actually get posted when I'm done, or if it's for me now and to share at a later time. It's Resurrection Sunday, and the first time that I had to work on Easter Sunday. But God knew I would be working today, so He had already given me a word for today on (Good) Friday. No, I did not go to the city, so I did not go to church service to receive this Word. Instead I went to the movies at the mall on the mainland. Yep, instead of going to Good Friday church service, I went to the movies. And I still received a Word!

As you may have guessed, I went to see the Fast and Furious 8. It was a great movie! The picture above is an advertisement poster of the movie. For the movie, "F8" stands for the "fate" of the Fast and the Furious. However, when I saw it as I entered the theater, all I saw and heard was "Faith". It was like God was reminding me to reflect on my faith. This may sound crazy, but as I sat in the theater waiting for the movie to start, I knew it was God's plan for me to see this movie on that day and that He would be giving me a message. But it wasn't until today (Resurrection Sunday) that the message was revealed to me. (Spoiler alert: If you haven't seen the movie and plan to, you might not want to read this until afterwards. 😉)

In the movie, the Fast and Furious team used a device called "God's eye" to help them to track the location of a person (usually their enemy). If you've seen the movie, you know that at the beginning of the movie, the enemy used Vin Diesel to help steal the device from the Fast and the Furious team. It appeared that the enemy had won the upper hand on the team. But what the enemy didn't know is that Dominic (Vin's name in the movie), not only depended on "fate" and (I believe) "faith" in his Fast and Furious family. At the beginning of the movie, Vin's actions showed him as a changed person. He wore a cross around his neck that would end up playing a significant part later in the movie. At first, Vin's character appears to have turned on his family and teamed up with the enemy. However, he had a greater purpose he was trying to accomplish. The enemy had his child and the mother of the child held captive. (Side note: It was like a stronghold that the enemy tries to put on our lives. Strongholds sometimes causes us to do things we really don't want to do, but we do them anyway.) In an effort to get the enemy to release the child and the mother, Dominic did things the enemy wanted him to do. However,in the end, he used the cross around his neck to defeat the enemy! The cross was equipped with a device that helped to track the enemy like the "God's eye" that the enemy stole from the team! (Side note: The Cross breaks every stronghold of the enemy! Because of the Cross, the enemy is defeated and must restore seven fold-Prov. 6:31).

The message:
God is once again reminding me that my F8 (faith) is what has gotten me to where I am today....physically and spiritually. Everything He has required of me for the past 19 years has required GREAT faith! Starting from my 5 year marriage to coming to Abu Dhabi!

Some of you know that my marriage was not a conventional marriage (according to man's standards), but I know it was definitely God ordained. I know even some of my family and friends questioned my decision (even if they never said anything to me). My decision was based on my faith in God and what He told me to do. And still today, I have no regrets. I loved my husband unconditionally, and I still love that person today. Regardless of what happened between us, I know that it was still God's will for my life for me to marry and experience love with him. I know some people will never understand why or how I could still love him, but I don't have to explain that to anyone. I just  know I have to continue to be obedient to what God tells me to do in all things. Although my marriage ended in 2007, God's plans for me to "walk by faith" did not change. And He has lead me on a journey the past 10 years that has shown me that over and over again. This journey has taken me from Louisiana to Phoenix in January 2012, only to prepare me to return to my hometown in Louisiana in November 2013 after my mom was diagnosed with cancer.  This journey has included me falling short MANY times. This journey has included good times and bad times. This journey has included me having some "mountain top" experiences and some "valley low" experiences. This journey has included me feeling isolated and rejected at times. This journey has included me being misunderstood at times. This journey has included me crying many tears at night...even at times telling God I couldn't do what He was requiring of me. But now, I know all of it was for a greater purpose and to prepare me for bringing me here to this point of my journey on Delma Island in Abu Dhabi. A place I would have never chosen to come to myself. But I know God has me here, He is here with me, and He is still ordering my steps! He is still fulfilling His purpose for my life!

In conclusion....
In the movie, the enemy thought the team had been defeated when the "God's eye" device was stolen. But what the enemy didn't know was...the cross Dominic wore had the power to track and defeat the enemy. You have to see the movie to understand what I'm talking about.  Not only did the cross defeat the enemy, but it restored Vin Diesel with his child and family! Hallelujahhhhhhh!!!!!!! (Some of you know what I'm REALLY talking about!) Everything that the enemy had tried to destroy was restored because of the cross!!!!  In Joel 2:25 God says "I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten,..."! And today, God is reminding me of this message! The Cross made restoration available to me (and you) today! Because of the cross, the enemy has been defeated and God has promised restoration! I am excited about God fulfilling His promise to me by restoring "the years"!!!!! I've said before, I don't know what God has in store for me next, but I am looking forward to it! I know my "latter will be greater than my past"!

Happy Resurrection Sunday!
I am His,
Faith Walker

Monday, April 3, 2017

My Journey in the Holy Land

For my spring break, I decided to go to Israel, the Holy Land. While this could be considered a dream vacation, having the opportunity to visit the place where Jesus was born, lived, was crucified, and resurrected was definitely more than a vacation. I consider it a journey. It was a journey that truly changed my life forever. Each step I took in the places I visited, I was in awe just imagining what it must have been like during Jesus' time.

It was interesting to learn that Christians are a minority there. Jews and Muslims occupy most of the country, including the village of Nazareth, where most of the streets have biblical names. As we journeyed through the different places, it also was amazing to see people from the three religions (Christians, Judaism, and Islam) following and practicing their own beliefs.

I traveled alone from Abu Dhabi, but after getting to Israel, I was in a tour group of 18 people. It was great meeting new sisters and brothers in Christ from different backgrounds and countries (Thailand, Australia, UK, and the U.S.) My group consisted of a few couples, a mother and her two daughters, two sisters, and 3 single ladies; each having their own personal reasons for wanting to visit Israel. As for me, I definitely wanted to experience the Holy Land because of my relationship with Christ. However, the experience itself was more than I expected.  I really cannot explain in words. Of course, I took lots of pictures; but even pictures cannot capture everything that I experienced while being there. However, here are a few pictures to share a little of my journey through the Holy the steps of Jesus!

Day 1-Thursday, March 23rd, arrived in Israel

One of my first pics in Israel
Welcome to Summer Time in Israel!

Day 2-Friday, March 24-Visits included the ruins of Caesarea (built by Herod the Great, in honor of Augustus Caesar) and Nazareth, (Jesus' childhood hometown).

Amphitheatre in Caesarea

Aqua ducts of Caesarea

This way to Nazareth!

Walking the streets of Nazareth

Church of Annunciation (believed to be the site where Angel Gabriel appeared to Virgin Mary)

Inside Church of Annunciation

Got to see the Annunciation Day parade!

Inside the St. Joseph's Church, built above the home of Joseph (father of Jesus).

Day 3, Saturday, March 25th-Visits included Tiberias (on the shores of Galilee, where Jesus lived, journeyed, and preached), Capernaum (the center of His ministry), the Mt. of Beatitudes (site where Jesus preached the Sermon on the Mount), and the Jordan River (waters of Jesus' baptism).

Mt. of Beatitudes


Sailing on the Sea of Galilee!

Enjoyed meeting new sisters!

Walked on water while sailing on the Sea of Galilee!

Got baptized in the same waters of Jesus!

Day 4-Sunday, March 26th-visits included the excavations of the Roman City, the city of Jericho, the Old City of Jerusalem, and the Western Wall.
The excavations of the Roman City


The Zion Gate entrance into the Old City of Jerusalem
The Western Wall (aka the Wailing Wall)! Made my request known!

Day 5-Monday, March 27th-Visits included Masada (mountain where King Herod's palace was excavated), the Dead Sea (the lowest point of the earth), and the Mt. of Olives (where Jesus wept over the city of Jerusalem.
Traveled by cable car to the Masada
Cable car selfie
A view of King Herod's palace

At the top of Masada overlooking the Dead Sea

At the Dead Sea..lowest point of the earth...natures greatest pedicure!
Standing on the Mt. of Olives where Jesus stood when He wept for the city of Jerusalem
On this day, I found out the meaning of my name in Hebrew is "Song of God"!  Yes, I am His...Song of God!!

Day 6-Tuesday, March 28th-Visits include Israel Museum, village where Zachariah and Elizabeth lived, and Bethlehem

Mary's well

Inside St. John's church (believed to be the site of John's birth)

Streets of Bethlehem

Church of the Nativity
Threshold into the Church of Nativity

Cave inside the Church of the Nativity believed to be the site where Jesus was born.

Day 7-Wednesday, March 29th-Visits include Garden of Gethsemane, the Way of the Cross (believed to be the path of Jesus' crucifixion, and the Garden Tomb (believed to be the site of Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection)
Highest point of Mt. Moriah..Original floors from the first temple....possibly site of the holy of holies
Garden of Gethsemane

At the Garden Tomb-Believed to be crucifixion site

Believed to be caves where Jesus tomb was found
Site at the Way of the Cross that represents where Jesus died on the cross.

Saying goodbye to Hasan (left, a Muslim) my tour driver and Shooki (center, a Jew), my tour guide. They both live in the Holy Land, are not followers of Christ, but spent the week driving me and other Christians around for a CHRISTian tour of Israel. Jesus is Lord and King of all!

Day 8-Thursday, March 30th-Early morning view outside my window as I prepare to leave the Holy Land!

In conclusion...
A few years ago, a friend and I went on vacation to Orlando, Florida and got to visit the Holy Land experience that TBN has there. While it was a great experience and we enjoyed ourselves, experiencing the real Holy Land was all that I hoped it would be and so much more. As I said at the beginning of my post, it wasn't really a vacation as much as it was a journey for me. There were many memorable moments along the way. Moments that I will always treasure!

One of my most memorable moments was being baptized in the Jordan River. From the time I planned to go to Israel, I knew I wanted to be baptized there; as many people usually do when they visit there.  I thought it would be just for the symbolism of being baptized in the same waters that Jesus did. But I must admit, it was more than I imagined it would be. Prior to us reaching the site of the baptism, there were several other persons in my group that was considering being baptized also. But after reaching the site, the others backed out, so I was the only one out of 18 who did it! Upon arriving at the site for the baptism, I met the "Rabbi" who would be baptizing me. Yes, I was baptized by a Messianic-Jew, Rabbi Michael. Also, I was baptized on a Saturday in Israel (the Sabbath for Jews...which they refrain from any such activities). Praise God that Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath! (Matthew 12:8) What I thought I was doing "just for the symbolism", God used it to be glorified! My greatest desire is to bring Him glory! And although the heavens didn't open up and there was no dove that descended from the sky after I came up out of the water, it was as if I  heard the Lord say to me, "My daughter, I am well pleased".... the words I hope to hear Him say on "that" day! Later that evening when I shared the news of my baptism with my sisters, I received the following response from one of them.

My confirmation! (She doesn't even know...well she will after reading this blog. Thanks sis!😉💕)

And now, I'm back in Abu Dhabi, continuing this journey! I don't know exactly where it will lead me to next, but I look forward to the great things God has in store for me!
I am His...Song of God!
Faith Walker