Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Proud teacher moment!

Like a parent bragging on their child, I am bragging on my boys today!

I haven't really posted any pictures of my students because I don't take many pictures of them. But today was a special occasion and I just wanted to share a few pics!

Today my 3rd grade boys had to perform (in English) during the morning assembly. This was our first  and they did a great job! We've recently learned about the water cycle in science class, so we did a short skit to show what we learned. Also, we learned a short chant about SUCCESS! Here are a few pics and a short video clip captured by one of the teachers!

My boys and I

Click on picture below to see video clip!

S-U-CC-E-SS---That's the way we spell SUCCESS!

Today was a SUCCESS!

After learning about healtlhy recipe snacks this week, we made our own healthy snack in class after our performance!

These two boys gave me my first teacher gifts of the year!

One SUCCESS at a time!

I am His,
Faith Walker

Sunday, October 9, 2016

What I know for sure....

"Your journey begins with a choice to get up, step out, and live fully."~Oprah

Last week, I began reading a book that my friend Shina shared with me called "What I Know for Sure" by Oprah Winfrey. Now I realize people have their own opinion about Oprah and her faith. I choose not to judge. I'm not an Oprah "fan", nor am I promoting this book. I've only read about 1/3 of it, but it is an interesting read and causes self-reflection to what you know for sure in your life.

The quote at the beginning of this post is from her book. As I reflect on my current situation, what I know for sure is that I am where I am supposed to be at this point in my journey. Although I still am not completely sure of God's purpose for bringing me here, I do know for sure that I am on a journey that is leading me to my destiny! I know for sure that this journey requires me to walk by faith and not by sight. I know for sure that each experience in this journey is an opportunity for God to reveal Himself to me in a new way! I know for sure that this journey is meant to be lived fully and to enjoy! These are some of the things I know for sure!

On Wednesday, Oct. 5, we celebrated World Teacher's Day in the UAE! I never knew this day even existed! While being a teacher is rewarding in itself, being appreciated for being a teacher is heartwarming.  I received my first teacher gift from a student this week! (Pictured below) I was very surprised! Not just because of the gift, but the fact that the student who gave it to me is one that I have began to see much improvement in his behavior since the beginning of the school year. I've actually had a parent conference with his father already. So to receive this gift from him really made my heart VERY warm! And it was handmade!

Love my handmade gift from a student! 

The administration at my school also showed the teachers some appreciation by presenting us with a mug and certificate (in the picture) during our morning meeting.  After receiving my gift, I came back and stood by my class and my emotions just began to overtake me. My eyes filled with tears as I looked at my boys and thought...although we do not share the same faith, culture, or language,God has trusted me to come here and to pour into their lives,  Over the past few years, when I was not teaching, I really doubted if I would ever go back into the classroom and teach again. I wasn't sure if God was leading me to do something else altogether or something not involving being in the classroom. After seeking Him for my next assignment (back in December of 2015), He showed me teaching in Abu Dhabi. At first I wasn't sure if I would be going, so I didn't began sharing it with my family and friends until I was sure that I was going. I knew my family would probably worry about me moving so far away. I knew there would be some who would question why I would go to another country (especially a Muslim country) to teach. I knew there would be many questions and many speculations. And while I realize that I am not the first or only person to ever teach abroad or to come to Abu Dhabi to teach, what I know for sure is... I am here ON PURPOSE.
I love being a teacher!

A parent of one of my students
 stopped by to deliver vouchers for the students who are improving their behavior.
This weekend I was also finally able to get internet  and cable service at home! As I said in my previous post, I had to wait until I received my UAE i.d. While these things are not really necessities, it is nice to have them. The best part about getting internet is that I can Skype, email, or text (via Whats App) with my family and friends on a regular basis now! I am always happy to get text or emails (please keep them coming), but it's also great seeing the faces and hearing the voices of your loved ones that you left back home! What I know for sure is....having the love and support from my family and friends is an integral part of my journey! I thank God for my support system!

Family time!
Enjoying Skyping with my sisters and their babies! 

Oprah mentions in her book that her favorite bible verse is Psalm 37:4-"Delight thyself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart." This also happens to be my favorite scripture as well! She also says, "No matter who we are or where we come from, we all have our own journey." And while nobody's journey looks alike, we are all headed toward a destiny. What I know for sure is...when you delight yourself in the Lord, and follow His leading, your destiny will be great!

So, I'll just keep walking by faith 
in Abu Dhabi!

I am His,
Faith Walker