Thursday, July 11, 2019


For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord . For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts.
Isaiah 55:8‭-‬9 KJV

The Burj Khalifa in Dubai (pictured above) is said to be the tallest structure in the world at 2,717 feet. I don't know if this is a fact or not, but what I do know for a fact is God's ways and thoughts are much HIGHER!

Recently, God reminded me of the day (back in 2002) when He first spoke these words in Isaiah 55:8-9 to me regarding the plans He had for my life. At that time, I was only focusing on my current, or present, circumstances. While I received this as a word directly from God at that moment, I did not realize He was not just referring to present, but also to my past and my future. I was convinced He had great plans for me, but had no idea of His thoughts and the ways He would manifest His plans!

Today, I have a totally different perspective of this word! I am still totally convinced God has great plans for me. However, I've learned that my "human planning" is not part of God's plans for me. I now truly realize that the greatest thoughts or plans I can think for myself cannot come close to God's thoughts and plans for my life!

My confession...
As I look at how the events of my life have unfolded since receiving this word in 2002, I have to repent to God for even thinking I knew what He was thinking or what He had planned for my life! I repent for asking Him why He allowed certain things to happen. I repent for being disappointed in things He didn't allow to happen. I repent for asking Him to do things I wanted Him to do in the past that was not in His plans for my future. I repent for allowing fear to cause me to doubt His promises. I repent for holding Him to promises that I thought He made and timelines I set myself. I repent for not trusting Him to keep the promises He did make in His own timing. Lord, please forgive me! Thank you, Lord, for your thoughts! Thank you, Lord, for your ways! I want to go HIGHER. Lord take me HIGHER!

On June 19th I celebrated my 49th birthday! As usual I celebrated another ending of a decade with some persons God has connected me with along my in Abu Dhabi of course! As I reflect over my life, this is not the way I imagined my life to be at this age. I had different plans for myself. But I am so thankful God plans were and are so much HIGHER than mine! I'm looking forward to what He has planned for my Chapter 49!

Theme: Pretty in Pink and Pearls! 

I am His,
Faith Walker