Friday, April 26, 2019

Faith over Fear...God's Plan

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29:11)

I recently read the book in the photo above by Oprah Winfrey. (The Path Made Clear: Discovering Your Life's Direction and Purpose). While I'm not an Oprah "fan", she is definitely aware of her God given purpose. In her book she states, "I am embodied by the belief that all I need is a mustard seed of faith and no matter what, I am going to be alright." Of course she is referring to the parable that Jesus shares with His disciples. I was mainly drawn to the book's title and subtitle. When we seek God, He definitely makes our path clearer! God has a plan...We only see part of it. It's all a test!

Before God made it clear to me that He was sending me to Abu Dhabi, I had no desire to teach abroad. After my mom's passing, and being out of the regular classroom for four years, I didn't think I would ever go back into the classroom. As I began seeking God for what His plans were for me, He showed me He was sending me to Abu Dhabi. I had traveled abroad before for short term mission trips, so I already had my passport and was ready to go wherever He sent me!

From the beginning of my journey here, I knew God had a greater purpose for sending me. I've always known that although teaching is my reason for being here, it is not my purpose.  And as He reveals His purpose for me, the path becomes a little clearer step by step. The things God reveals to me keeps me in awe of Him and keeps me desiring to see more clearly!

In my very first instagram post after arriving in Abu Dhabi (inserted below), I posted this pic with the caption, "My FAITH is greater than any fears!"

Confession...The person you see in that picture was still full of fear! While I know "God has not given us the spirit of fear..." (2 Timothy 1:7a), I was still fearful. Fear of the unknown! At that time, I had no idea exactly where I would be staying or how long God had planned for me to be here. Or exactly His purpose for bringing me here. I just had faith that God was with me! Although my faith was/is greater, that does not mean fear isn't always trying to creep into my thoughts. Fear's main purpose is to keep you from your life's purpose, and fear is contrary to God's plans!

God recently reminded me that walking by faith requires me facing my fears. All of them! Even when the path is not clear YET!

Fear is defined as "an unpleasant emotion caused by threat of danger, pain, or harm. In Jeremiah 29:11, God promises not to harm me, but a future filled with prosperity and hope. Even when the path is not clear, I choose to believe and trust God!

So, as I continue this journey called life, I will be walking by faith and facing fears with power, love, and a sound mind! (2 Timothy 1:7b)

I am His,
Faith Walker