Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Faith Walker

"...I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." (John 10:10)

Jesus came so that we could live life to the full! That means He wants us to enjoy life as we obey Him!

Enjoying Life
Recently I celebrated my 48th birthday (June 19th). Twenty years ago...at age 28...my life changed forever when I came to know Jesus intimately and personally as my Lord and Savior. It was at this time that I made the decision to seek Christ for my destiny. Now here I am twenty years later and while many things have happened and changed in my life, one thing that has remained the same is my faith in God. I know that no matter what happens, God still has a purpose and plan for my life! So I will continue walking by faith and trusting in Him to keep His promises to me. In the meantime, I will continue to enjoy my life to the FULL!

Here are a few pics from me celebrating  life with a few of my sister/friends in Abu Dhabi!

Obeying God
When I moved to Abu Dhabi, I knew God had a greater purpose for sending me here (besides to teach). And while teaching is my reason for being here, obedience was and is my purpose for being here. Most of you know that when God tells me to do something, I do it with no hesitation. That is because I believe God and the promises He has made to me!

Abraham is known as a "friend of God" because He believed God. Whatever God told him to do, he did it without hesitating; even offering up his son for a sacrifice. His obedience to God led to him receiving the promises of God. I desire ALL the promises God has for me! This is why I obey what God tells me to do...even when it might sound or look crazy to others. I too just want to please God with my obedience!

A couple of years ago, before moving to Abu Dhabi, the holy spirit told me to change my name to Faith Walker on facebook. Now I know some people might think God didn't or wouldn't tell me that or that I thought of that on my own. But I know I heard from God to do it, and in OBEDIENCE to God I made the change. I even wondered if I was suppose to use this name when meeting people after I moved. However, I was only led to change it on my facebook page only (which I usually keep deactivated while I'm in Abu Dhabi). 

Since I kept this page deactivated, none of the new friends/connections I made my first year in Abu Dhabi knew my name was Faith Walker on facebook. Even my friend (Shina) who I was the closest to at the beginning of my time here in Abu Dhabi. Some of you may remember her from earlier post. She and I connected when we were sent to Dalma Island together. She had to return home in December of 2016 due to serious medical issues that her daughter was having. After she left, I was on my own. Some of my family and friends said "God will send you someone else." To be honest, I wasn't looking for Him to. I was fine being by myself, or so I thought. But God had other plans! He knew I needed a "Faith Walker" (like myself) as I continued my journey here! So that's exactly what/who He sent me! Actually she was already here. She had came here the year before me, but it wasn't until the end of my first school year that God really connected us!

Long story short...after returning home last summer (and activating my fb page), I added her as a friend. When she saw my facebook name was "Faith Walker", she immediately texted me to tell me that was her "pen name" (the name she uses when she writes or journals)!!! We both were in AWEEEEE!!!!! The fact that God sent both of us to this country...put both of us on this island...at the same time!!! We both knew this was no coincidence, but a divine connection! We immediately knew God had a greater purpose!! Since connecting us, God has been fulfilling His purpose! As we obey what He tells us to do, He keeps us amazed with what He is doing and the things He is revealing to us! We are excited about the plans He has for each of our lives!! I'm sure I will be sharing more in later posts!

Meet the Faith Walkers

Her birth name is actually Fayshawn "aka Fay" Walker. 
Another kingdom connection!

This is why I obey God!! All to bring Him glory! Also, I don't want to miss out on the plans and promises He has for me!

I am His,
Faith Walker