Monday, December 11, 2017

In the meantime...

Delight yourself in the LORD; and He will give you the desires of your heart. 
(Psalm 37:4)
My wall calendar's encouraging message for the month of December!

August 14, 1997 is a date that changed my life forever. It was on that date that I made a very conscious decision that has led me on a  journey to many places physically, mentally, emotionally, and most importantly-Spiritually! After attending a bible study class for singles for several weeks (at a church in Dallas, Texas where I was a member) and reading a book (Knight in Shining Armour), I was led to take a six month "reconstruction period" (as the book calls it) to pursue an intimate relationship with Christ; Something I desperately needed and wanted! So, with the support of some of my wonderful sisters in Christ, I began my pursuit.

While the book (Knight in Shining Armour) was about being prepared for the relationship with the man God has for you, it led you to focus more on your relationship with God. It led me to see how much God loved me and  to more desperately desire Him! At the end of my six month "reconstruction period", I had fallen in love for the first time (with God) and knew that I ONLY wanted God's will for my life! It was then that I surrendered to living the rest of my life in Christ! A journey that I never could have imagined. A journey filled with both highs and lows. A journey that has led me to this day and this time. My "in the meantime".

Recently, God revealed to me how my "in the meantime" or "in between time" has been preparing me for the things my heart desires. He has shifted my focus to appreciating and valuing this "in the meantime" more than my desires or the plans He has ahead for me. God has revealed to me that it has been during my "in the meantime" when I have had my greatest experiences of Him and His love! It has been during my "in the meantime" that He has revealed Himself to me in new and awesome ways! It has been during my "in the meantime" that my faith in God has increased and I have fallen in love with Him over and over again!

At age 27 (in 1997), I was a young woman with hopes and dreams of what I wanted for my life.  I had began to know how much God loved me and that He wanted only the best for me. I vowed to giving God my best and waiting for His best. These became my greatest desires and I began my pursuit of trying to live my life accordingly; not knowing the paths this pursuit would take me.

"In the meantime", my journey has been filled with many life experiences that have brought me love and joy, as well as despair and pain. Each life event leading me to see God's hand orchestrating every turn and directing my path.

In the past 20 years, I've had many "in the meantime" experiences that have encouraged my walk by faith, as well as those that have challenged it. I've had experiences I never imagined I would have;  doing things I never thought I would do (both good and bad).  But, now I know, it was all necessary. It was all a part of my journey to getting me to my destiny!

At age 47, I am now an "older" woman  with more hopes and dreams, still in pursuit of God and the will He has for my life. I have grown to know even more how much He loves me and how much He desires to give me His best!  In the meantime,  I am still  commited to giving Him my best and waiting for His best. I haven't always got it right, but God has never led me wrong. He just keeps lovingly drawing me closer and closer to Him.

Currently, my "in the meantime" has me in a "place", both physically and spiritually, that I once again could have never imagined. But God knew, when He formed me in my mother's womb, that I would be "here". During this season of my "in the meantime", I have learned to really be content and fallen in love with my meantime. I am "delighted" to be here, and just as God promised, He is here! He has never forsaken me and I am never leaving Him! I know "His" best is yet to come! 

So, in the meantime....I am and will be still pursuing God, still seeking His promises, and still walking by faith!

I am His,
Faith Walker