Sunday, July 23, 2017

My "Collateral Beauty"

"But whatever things were gain to me, those things I have counted as loss for the sake of Christ. More than that, I count all things to be loss in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and count them but rubbish so that I may gain Christ, and may be found in Him, not having a righteousness of my own derived from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ...." (Philippians 3: 7-9)

 My sisters and I! 
Love conquers all!
My Collateral Beauty!

It's been almost one week since I returned to Abu Dhabi from my visit home, and I admit that I am missing home already. While I thoroughly enjoyed my time at home, I wished my time could have been longer. Of course, I wasn't able to see everyone I would have liked to, but I know and they know the love is still there. Now I'm back to completing and enjoying my journey here on Delma Island!  My journey home was also a reminder to me as to my purpose and the basis of my faith. God revealed the "collateral beauty" I have gained throughout my journey!

At first thought, I think of collateral as something given in exchange for something else. Like something that you pledge as repayment of something. On my flight to the states, I watched the movie "Collateral Beauty" starring Will Smith. I won't spoil it for those who haven't seen it, but I will give a little synopsis. The movie is about a man (Will) who withdraws from life and reality, after experiencing a great tragedy. At the beginning of the movie, he speaks about how love, time, and death connect all humans. He later writes letters to these three things, and throughout the movie he encounters persons that represents these things to him. You have to see the movie to understand. Anyway....after falling asleep a few times while watching the  movie (because I can't stay awake long on planes 😃), I finally got to the end. This is where I received a message that really spoke to me. At the end of the movie, one of the characters spoke these final words..."Are you losing someone? Who are you losing? Just make sure you notice the collateral beauty." After hearing these words, I could not get them out of my mind. That's when I know God is speaking. Of course, I began listening to hear what He was saying. As I began meditating, I heard, the word "someone" can also be replaced with "something", and  "who" with "what".

Throughout my journey, I've experienced loss of "someones" and "somethings". I'm sure each of you can relate. Also at times, I have had to withdraw myself, in obedience to God, from my familiar life. Those of you who really know me understand what I'm talking about. Being here in Abu Dhabi, on Delma Island, is an example of this. I didn't come here because I was seeking a job teaching abroad. I was seeking God for the next step of my journey. He answered by showing me that He was sending me here. I didn't know until I got here that I would be living on an island, but God knew. His "reason" for sending me here was to teach, but His "purpose" is and always has been so much greater! He knew exactly where He needed and wanted me to be. He knew I would learn to be content here, and that I would continue to seek Him even with no "church buildings" on the island. He knew and knows the plans He has for me being here and that those plans are for my good and gives me hope for my future! The future He has for me! This is my COLLATERAL BEAUTY! Everything I've loss along my journey was so that I may gain Christ! It was all a part of God's plan! By gaining Christ, that means receiving ALL the promises that God has made to me! Those in His word, and those He made personally to me! I'm expecting and excited concerning God's plans for me! I know my latter will be greater than my past!

While at home, God also allowed me to have an encounter with a woman  (Margi). Our conversation led to her sharing a book with me that she was reading. She said I reminded her of the character/author of the book. Immediately I knew our meeting was ordained by God! Once again, I was overwhelmed by God's love for me to put me in a place to receive a direct message from Him. I ordered the book immediately and received it before I left home. I have just began reading the book and look forward to seeing what God is saying in this book to me. I had taken a picture of her book during our encounter, but deleted it. But here's a picture of the one I ordered! I'm sure it will be included in a future blog post!

Can't wait to see what God has to say to me!

During my visit home, I got to visit with a few of my family and friends. I truly enjoy the time I get to spend with those I love and that love me back! Due to my short time there, I ran out of time, and of course didn't get to see everyone. However, with each visit, God had me noticing my COLLATERAL BEAUTY! In a previous blog, I talked about my "connections" throughout my journey. I usually refer to them as "family and friends"! These are people that I know love me and have supported me throughout my journey; no matter how radical it may seem at times. After receiving the message from the movie, God allowed me to see how, at one time or another, love, time, or death has been a part of these connections. I know God orchestrates each connection in my life, and each one has a different purpose. I truly thank God for each one. They are all pieces of my COLLATERAL BEAUTY! Here's a glimpse of some of them I captured on pics!

My niece and nephew, Starr and Brycen! They bring me joy!

Pearls Girls! My sisters!

My Dallas sisters! Kim, Gidgett, and Leslie!

My sister Gidgett, her daughter, Gabby, her mom, Ms. Beverly! Three generations of love!
My childhood to adulthood friend/sister/chic, Phyllis!

My  Dallas Aunt (by divine connection) Gay!

My former 3rd grade student, Nyla ; now she's an adult, outstanding teacher, and wonderful wife!

My sister, friend, and hairstylist Romona!

My bestie Jackie!
My nephew and god-son, Triston!

My loving Aunt Ollie! 

My loving Aunt Hattie!

My "spiritual" mother, Ms. Madora!


My girls, Tasha, Mavis, and Tanya!

My oldest niece, Jahlisa, along with Brycen and Starr!

My cousin and messenger, Gary!

One of my home church family members, Glenda!
She's truly an angel on earth! She is a great representation of my Northshore Worship Center church family! Full of love!

As I stated earlier, this is just a "glimpse" of my collateral beauty that God has given me throughout my journey! If a picture speaks a thousand words, then these few pictures speaks multiple thousands for me! My collateral beauty includes a plethora of people who continue to love and support me throughout my journey. Each of them know me in a different way, but they all love me the same. Unconditionally! Their love and support encourages me along the way and gives me strength to continue my journey. This is my COLLATERAL BEAUTY!

My collateral beauty not only includes the people God has connected me to throughout my life's journey, but it also includes the many experiences that life has brought me. Each experience has allowed me to know God in a different way, and has increased my faith in Him! Some have been good and some have been not to good. Some have brought joy and some have brought pain. But together God has made it all beautiful!! This is my COLLATERAL BEAUTY!

In the scripture at the beginning of the blog, Paul reminds me that nothing I've lost is worth what I have gained through my faith in Christ. Even when I wanted to hold on to some things throughout my journey, God loved me enough to force me to let go. He never intended anything for evil, but for my good! I'm so thankful that He loved me enough and caused others to love me enough too! Love conquers all! This is my COLLATERAL BEAUTY!

In conclusion to this blog...
While I was home, I also watched the movie "Good Deeds" by Tyler Perry. Although I had seen this movie before, there was something Tyler's character says at the end that really got my attention this time. After deciding to take a leap of faith, he says the following..."I don't know what's out there or what's waiting for me...but whatever it is, I'm going to find it."

The most asked questions while I was home was, how long are you going to be over there? or have you found your "Boaz" yet, or has he found you? I usually responded with a witty answer to the Boaz question, and my waiting on God's timing to the other. But to answer both questions with one answer, these words from Tyler Perry sums it up. ."I don't know what's out there or what's waiting for me...but whatever it is, I'm going to find it." And by "find it", I mean seeking God for what His plans are for me! In the meantime, I will continue to enjoy the journey!
I am His, Faith Walker!