Friday, May 26, 2017

Ramadan Kareem!

They who dwell in the ends of the earth stand in awe of Your signs; You make the dawn and the sunset shout for joy. (Psalms 65:8)

The picture above is the sunset on Dalma Island today. As I watched the sunset, I stood in awe of God and the beauty of His creation! My God is awesome!

Today starts the beginning of Ramadan for muslims all over the world. It's considered their "holy month". This is a month long period of strict fasting from sunrise to sunset. During this time muslims focus on their relationship with God and prayer. It's also a time of celebration and joy, and spending time with their loved ones. This is really no different than the time Christians set aside for fasting and consecration (usually at the beginning of the new year). Although their beliefs may be different from mine, I will be respecting their sacred time. Ramadan Kareem is a greeting that means "have a generous Ramadan".

During this time, business hours are adjusted accordingly. Even our school hours will change. We will be going to school later (9am-2pm) instead of our usual time (7:30a.m. to 1:15 p.m.). In my research (on the internet) to learn more about this observation, I found the following written by someone who had converted to muslim.

FYI....I have not and will not be converting to Muslim! I love pork too much!! LOL! More importantly, I love Jesus too much!!! But I do partially agree with the Prophet Mohammed! Yes, the "gates of heaven are opened" (I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven-Matthew 16:19) "and the devils are chained" (The Lord grant that the enemies who rise up against you will be defeated before you-Deuteronomy 28:7)for those who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ! The part that I don't agree is that this is only during the month of Ramadan. Nevertheless, God has me in this place, at this time, to share the love of Christ to my muslim neighbors and acquaintances.

This afternoon, after waking from my nap, I heard a light knock on my door, followed by the doorbell. I'm not used to anyone knocking on my door, so of course I was a little surprised by it. Looking through the peep hole, I saw that it was one of my fellow teachers from school, who also lives in the teacher building on the floor below me. (Side note: She previously gave me an open invitation to come over sometime for tea, but I've never made it. Although we work at the same school, we've never been more than acquaintances, so I have never made an effort to take her up on her offer.) After opening the door, she handed me a bag with the following inside.

My first Ramadan meal!

My first Ramadan meal! This is some of their traditional foods. I ate most of it for lunch and dinner today. Except the rice, which I don't really like too much. I forgot to take a pic before I had my first serving, so that's why some is missing! (Ya'll know I'm greedy! LOL)  It was good! And even better because I didn't have to cook it...or buy it! Also, I was in awe that God even put me on her mind to share her meal with me. I invited her in, but she said another time. I guess now it's my turn to make my visit to her.

Yesterday I went off the island to the mainland to buy some groceries. While there, I picked up a package of dates (another traditional favorite here). I wasn't sure why I got them since I don't really care for them. Now I know! So she will be getting her plates and dates tomorrow!

The picture above was also taken today when I was out waiting for the sun to set. The words on my shirt read, "Not all those who wander are lost." I don't always buy shirts with phrases on them, but when I do, I want to make sure they say something meaningful. When I saw this shirt (on the clearance rack), I grabbed it real quick. Immediately, I thought of myself. Some of you know that throughout my journey, God has taken me to different places. Each time having a different purpose for sending me to that place. To some it may seem that I am just a "wanderer" (traveler). The truth is, although traveling from place to place has been nice, I do not desire to travel. My true desire is being where God wants and needs me to be. I am a "seeker" of God and His will and purpose for my life. That is my greatest desire!

I am His,
Faith Walker