Friday, March 17, 2017

Life is but a vapor...

"Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away." (James 4:14)

Life is but a vapor...
...but memories are forever!

A few weeks ago, I received a message telling me that my only living grandparent (my father's mother) passed away. Although we didn't have a close relationship (she lived in New York), I was still sad to hear of her passing. When I was younger, we were closer. I knew she loved my sisters and me, and she treated my mother as her own daughter. I had intentions of calling her when I came home for the holidays, but failed to do so. I have no excuse, except I just didn't take the time to do it. Over the past few weeks, I've heard of a couple other relatives and others back home who have passed away. Again, my heart was saddened by the thought of their families no longer having them on this earth. Many of you know that in the past couple of years, I lost my mom due to cancer and my dad due to injuries he sustained from a car accident.  Although their causes were very different, and my relationship with each one was very different, experiencing death of someone you love is a reminder that "Life is but a vapor".

Today (March 17th) makes two years since my mother passed. The picture above is of a glass globe I have that contains some of her ashes. While I do miss her being on earth with us, I know she is truly resting in peace. I am thankful for the memories I have of her and look forward to seeing her again! And yes, I do believe I will see her again! What many don't know about my mom is that she is the reason why I obey God today. Growing up, my mom didn't always take me to church, and she didn't always go herself, but she did make sure that I (and my sisters) went. Every Sunday, she made sure we went to Sunday School...even if we didn't want to go. (And today I am glad she did!)

One of my most special memories of her happened one Sunday afternoon after I returned home from church. I shared with her that God had spoken to me during the church service. (I was only about 10 years old or so, and this is the very first time I can recall experiencing God speak to me.) I shared with her what He said to me and she sent me into her bedroom to get on my knees and pray. This was the beginning of my journey of obeying God. And it was because of my mom! She wasn't a pastor, Sunday School teacher, or any other "church title".  At that time, she was in her 30s and her lifestyle did not always appear that she had a personal relationship with God, but she did. Not only did she encourage me to get on my knees and pray on that particular day, but she also set the example for me.  I can still see her on her knees praying before she went to bed at night. When we were young, she may not have always gone to church with us to pray, but she did know that she needed to pray! And I know she was praying for me! She knew I may not have really understood in my child like mind what I was experiencing at that time, but she knew that obedience was the answer! I am so thankful for the many prayers she prayed for me and for her guiding me to my own relationship with Christ at a young age. Until the day she died, she was always encouraging me in my journey. She was my number one supporter and my greatest cheerleader.

Today, as I visited my favorite spot here on Delma Island, God reminded me of my mother's words to me on that day she sent me into her bedroom to get on my knees to pray. Her words to me were, "If that's what God told you to do, then that's what you need to do." Today while thanking God for the years I had her here with me on earth, it was as if He had her speak these words to me again! She is still encouraging me in my journey and my obedience to God! My response today: Lord, I will obey!

Wherever I go, whatever I do, she will always be with me!

While she was living, I had the opportunity to go on two short mission trips: one to Cambodia and one to Turkey. I remember how each time, she was a little worried about me leaving the country. It's not that she didn't want me to go, but I think she thought I wouldn't come back. One time she told me, "You are going to end up living in one of those (foreign) places." At the time, I had no intentions of living in a foreign country, but I remember telling her "Only if God told me to!" Who knew??? I guess she and God knew! If she was here today, I know she would be so proud. I could hear her now telling any body who would listen..."My daughter is a missionary teaching in another country." She would attempt to tell them where I was teaching, but I'm sure she would get it mixed up. She would probably say Africa instead of Abu Dhabi.(LOL) At times I used to be embarrassed by how proud she was of me. Now I realize, it was just a mother's love for her child following after God! I guess she knew something that I didn't know. I guess God knew too!

God knew when He told me to go to Abu Dhabi that I would go. God knew that even in a foreign land where the people of the land do not worship Him as the only true and living God, that I would still worship Him and diligently seek Him. I guess God knew that sending me to an island with no "church building", that my faith in Him would only become greater! I guess God knew He could trust me with this assignment of teaching Arab boys!  I guess God knew I would fall in love with Him again! I guess God knew....

Last pic with my friend, Shina
 I guess God knew that I would only have Shina here with me for a few months. Since she left the island (in January), many have asked me "how are you doing?". Most referring to being alone without her.  My response to them is that "I'm fine." While I did enjoy having someone here to start this journey with, I realize that God knew she would only be here with me for a short time.  He knew the time would come when I would be alone again and that I would be okay. I thank God for all the people He allow to come into my life for His purpose. Yes, I miss Shina, but my focus is still on God's purpose for bringing me here.

The scripture I referred to at the beginning of this post says we do not know what our life will be like on tomorrow. For this reason, we should live each day with no regrets. Taking advantage of every opportunity God gives us on this earth. Being here in Abu Dhabi has given me a new perspective on this scripture. Although I'm on a three year contract for teaching with the Abu Dhabi Educational Council, I knew upon coming here that this would not be my timeline. I knew I would not be here longer than God needed me to be here. And while I still don't know His timeline for me, I am learning to be more sensitive to take one day at a time, and not worry about tomorrow.

I recently received an email from my Pastor (Mike Newcombe) at my church back home. He told me...

 "I'm so proud of you and how your allowing God to use you in that area of the world. There is an old saying that says:'Some were called and sent but some just went'. You were def called and went."

 Reading these words brings tears to my eyes! My number one desire in life is to please God. I don't do what I do to receive any accolades or to boast and brag. I only want to obey what He tells me to do. Even when it may not make sense to others, or when I don't quite understand why He tells me to do it. Even when it causes me to be rejected by others. Even when it causes me to be ridiculed for my faith. I have received other encouraging messages from some of you who read this blog. Just know that I thank God for you being His voice to me! I only want to bring Him glory!

On another note....
Me and my Mohammed

My boys are still making progresses each day! We are nearing the end of the second term (March 23rd). I am very proud of them and looking forward to another break! Mohammed has his good and challenging days. But we are still moving day at a time! The pic above is from one of our good days!

We recently did our second Morning Assembly performance. Here's a few pics from that performance and a video of some things we've been doing.

My co-teacher assisting students with their prayer and reading from the Quran.

My boys spoke their parts in Arabic and English.

One of my other Mohameds. I have several!

Some of my parents who came to the morning assembly! It's rare to have the fathers come!

Pictured with my principal, my academic principal, and one of the teacher assistants.

Until next time, I will continue to take this journey one day and a each day with no regrets!

I am His,
Faith Walker