Tuesday, February 28, 2017

I'm falling in love again! And it feels soooo good!!

But now faith, hope, love, abide these three; but the greatest of these is love. Pursue love....
(1 Corinthians 13:13 and 14:1)

The month of February is known mainly for celebrating Valentine's Day. It's a time when everyone has "LOVE" on their mind. The idea of receiving candy, flowers, or jewelry from someone who loves you is usually expected (from women) during this month. For the past 10 years, I've celebrated this day as a single (again) woman. No gift of flowers or jewelry from a "boo", "bae", or "Boaz"! Most of them have been spent taking myself to dinner at my favorite restaurant (Chili's 😍) or spending time alone...with God.

While my life has been pretty quiet and simple the past couple of months, I've been busy falling in love again! I know that some of you have been waiting for me to announce that I'm getting married again, and that day is coming! Now that I've falling in love again, I believe it will be coming real soon!

The picture above is from my Valentine's Day dinner this year. No, it wasn't at my favorite restaurant. And no, I didn't have a "boo" or "bae" sitting across from me.  Instead I was at my flat on Delma Island and once again I was by myself...alone with God...the One that I am falling in love with again! I know some of you may be disappointed, but I'm not! As I reflect on the past couple of months, I know that this was all a part of God's plan with having me here. He wanted to remind me of what it was like when I first REALLY fell in love with Him almost 20 years ago.  It was after I made a six month commitment (in 1997) to become more intimate with Him in pursuit of His love , that I committed to live my life for Him. It was then that He became my true first love! He truly was and is the best thing that ever happened to me! Once again, I am pursuing His love for me and falling in love with Him all over again!

I know this may not be an exciting post, but I'm excited about what is to come as a result of me falling in love with God again! Matthew 6:33 says.."But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." I'm expecting great "things" to be added! 

On another note...
When I look at the picture above, I see a few things. First, there's the food on the plate....cooked by me! Now that Shina is gone, I find myself cooking more. I've been doing a little experimenting. LOL! I must say, I'm doing pretty good. This month I also cooked a beef casserole and my first shepherd's pie. Guess God is trying to prepare me for my husband! 😉

Next, there's the empty chair across from me, but I'm believing by faith I won't be eating by myself for long. 😍

Then there's the decal on my wall in the background with the word that I live by...FAITH...  and one of my favorite verses (2 Corinthians 5:7-For we walk by faith, not by sight) surrounded by plaques with "faith, hope, and love" on them. These three words are my daily reminder of the things God promises that will always remain with me!
I am His,
Faith Walker