Sunday, January 1, 2017

Home for the holidays...and back again for the New Year!

December 30, 2016
As I sit waiting to depart back to Abu Dhabi, I'm reflecting. On this exact date ( December 30) of last year (2015) I made an entry in my journal about my next season. Here is that entry (with some parts omitted).

"Only one more day left in 2015. I still believe God is able! If......I will be moving to.....  If not, then I will be moving to Abu Dhabi this summer (2016). Either way, I look forward to all God has in store for me in 2016 and beyond!!! I am His!!"

Yes, on this day last year, God had already shown me Abu Dhabi. However, it wasn't confirmed until later. And He didn't allow me to share with everyone until a month or two before I departed in August. While it was hard leaving my family and friends (again), I knew that this was just another step toward the destiny God has for me.

As I return to Abu Dhabi (after my first trip back home for the holidays), I must admit it's even harder to leave than the first time. (Tears!!!!)  I really enjoyed being home for the holidays! It was so good seeing my family and friends again (even if it was just for a short time). I will cherish every moment! Here are some pics from a few of those moments!

Enjoyed spending time with my nephew Brycen and niece Starr!

My sisters and I!

My nephew and God-son, Tristan!

My oldest niece, Jahlisa!

My God-daughter, Delaney!

Cousins, Ryan and RJ!
My Aunt Hattie and Aunt Ollie!
Sister and niece!
Sisters and first cousins!

Aunt Hattie
Aunt Ollie


Childhood BFFS and sisters, Madonna and Gwen!

Sister-friends, Tanya, Mavis, and Tasha!

My sister and chic, Phyllis

My sister and bestie, Jackie

Ended my time at home with a sleepover with my two favorite little people,
 nephew Brycen and niece Starr!

Before I left in August, I shared that I didn't know how long I would be in Abu Dhabi. And right now I still don't. I do know that I will be there only as long as God needs me to be. Whether that's 7 more months or 2 more years. I just want to be in His will for my life. And even when it's hard for me to understand or to see what He's doing, I know that He has a purpose for it all, and that this is just another part of my journey. So I will keep walking by faith and trusting Him!

Having the love and support of my family and friends definitely gives me strength to continue this journey. I thank God for each of them. There were lots of questions during my visit. I realize that everyone may not understand my journey. Some may think I'm a little crazy!! That's up for debate! Lol! I just want the destiny God has for me. And if that makes me look a little crazy, I'll be crazy for Him! In the meantime, I'll be back on Delma Island doing what He needs me to do there.

January 1, 2017
It is now the first day of January 2017. I'm back in Abu Dhabi away from all my family and friends back home. My friend, Shina, hasn't made it back yet, so I'm literally by myself again here in Abu Dhabi. Guess God needed me to be alone with Him to start the new year!

After waking up early and eating breakfast, I decided to go to the pool on the rooftop, of the hotel where I spent last night, to get a glimpse of the sunrise. Here's a couple of pictures of my view!

Due to the heavy fog this morning, the view of the sun was hidden. Although the sun is still there and still shining, I could not see it because of the heavy fog.  Of course, God began to show me something. This is what it's like to walk by faith! Although I may not be able to see the SON or His promises, He is still there and He will still keep His promises to me! He is still shining and working things in my favor! All I have to do is continue to "walk by faith, and not by sight".

So as I enter another new year, that is what I will continue doing! No new year resolutions for me! Just more faith, hope and expectations of what's to come in 2017! Happy New Year!

FINISH Him! How I'm walking by faith in 2017!
All day, every day!

 I am His,
Faith Walker