Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Still Walking by Faith

Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples. (John 13:35)

December 13, 2016
Exactly four months ago today (on August 13), I left (once again) my family, friends, and all that was familiar  to me in my hometown to come to the UAE. Unlike the last time when I moved away (to Phoenix, Arizona), I not only moved to another state, but this time to another country where there are many differences including a different culture of people, a different language, a different faith, and so much more. I really had no expectations because I didn't know what to expect. All I had was my faith in God, and faith that He had a purpose for sending me here.

 When I left the United States, I really did not know much about this place. I knew it was in the Middle East, and I knew it was an Islamic/Muslim country. But I hadn't really done much research or internet browsing to learn much. Mainly because God didn't allow me to. He didn't want me to develop a perception about where I was going based on what others said about it or what others had experienced here. He just wanted me to follow His lead and allow Him to show me His purpose and plans for me here. While I am still seeking God for His purpose as it relates to my destiny, He is revealing things to me more and more each day!

A glimpse...
We had another three day weekend because it was their "Prophet Muhammad's" birthday. For me this just meant an extra day for me to relax. So on Sunday, I decided to go spend some quiet time by the ocean. It was a beautiful and very windy day. Here's a pic I took.

Initially, I thought about the sea being so vast and wide; just like God's love for me! There are no boundaries to His love and nothing can separate me from it! As I sat watching the waves ripple in the sea, I then thought about how although the sea appeared to be endless, that there is something, or someplace, beyond the sea. And although I couldn't see it, it is out there somewhere. It reminded me of my faith journey. Sometimes I feel that this journey God has me on is endless. It seems that I've been on this journey for a very long time, and I have yet to see exactly where God is leading me. He just keeps telling me to trust Him and that He has a greater purpose for it all. However, I must admit, I have my moments when I want my greater NOW! But then God reminds me that all things will happen in His timing. And until then, I have to keep walking by faith, and not by sight. (2 Corinthians 5:7)

While I continue this walk, God also continues to give me glimpses of His love for me! It's an awesome feeling each time He shows me!

Meet my Mohamed!

No, he's not a prophet! He's one of my students (one of many Mohamed's in my class and in the whole school). I guess you can say it's one of the popular names here.

This picture was taken today on our way back from our field trip. He asked me to sit with him on the bus. This was a surprise to me because usually the students don't want to sit with the teacher. But it was even a bigger surprise that "he" asked. In an earlier email/post, I mentioned having some challenges with the students. I didn't go into any details, but the students' behaviors were VERY challenging at the beginning of the school year. And Mohamed was one of my BIGGEST challenges. He was very disruptive, disrespectful, and disobedient! He was always fighting with someone and being a distraction in the classroom. It was tiring having to deal with him everyday! That is until I allowed God to show me how to deal with him. And that's when things began to change. My attitude toward him began to change and his attitude toward me began to change. He is not the same disruptive, disrespectful, and disobedient boy he used to be! This picture really is worth more than a thousand words!!!! While we were riding on the bus he looked at me and said, "Me love you like this"...and he made a big circle with his arms to show me how much he loved me! Tearsssss!!!!! I had to hold them back as I grabbed him and gave him a big hug and told him that I loved him too!!! Immediately I felt the love of God flood my heart! I knew He was giving me a glimpse of His love through Mohamed. I know my reason for being here is to teach, but God's purpose is greater than I can even imagine! And while I don't believe my destiny is here, I do believe that my destiny is getting closer!

Another glimpse....
At the end of the school day on today, I was stopped by one of my other student's mom who works in the school's office. She had me follow her to her office because she had something she wanted to give me. She reached under her desk and pulled out the package in the picture below.

Of course there was CHOCOLATE inside! He LOVES me!!!!

She said it was a thank you for teaching her son. He's one of my well behaved and very smart students. Again, my eyes filled with tears feeling overwhelmed by God's love. She asked why I was crying. I told her that she just made my heart happy. She then said, "They love you!" And at that moment, I realize my purpose here is being fulfilled. Sharing the love of Christ is what God requires of me in this place! And even though they don't confess Christ, they will know I am His by my love! (John 13:35)

Previously, I have said there were no churches on the island.... and there is no church buildings. But this week God reminded me that I am the church. So where ever I am, the church is there! To God be the glory!

I am His,
Faith Walker